Ability to detect disabled email forwarding

For Sign In With Apple, if the end user selects "Hide My Email" during signup, and later goes into iOS settings to deselect the "Forward To" option, do we have any ability via the SDK to detect that the end user has disabled email forwarding, beyond finding that emails have started bouncing to the user?

ASAuthorizationProvider.CredentialState, and the refresh_token for the server API, indicate whether the user has completely unlinked their account, but a similar API does not appear to exist to detect that the email forwarding was disabled. Is this something which might be added in the future?

Is it documentated somewhere that a user disabling emails from a provider will cause the emails to bounce? I was wondering if the relay would bounce them or just swallow them without forwarding them on to the user.

I second some sort of programmatic way of detecting this situation. It would be nice to not make assumptions about communication viability after introducing this feature. Having detection could at least allow some sort of in-app messaging to occur.

Ability to detect disabled email forwarding