




ASAuthorizationPasswordProvider request not finding shared web credentials
I'm trying to deprecate iOS 13 from my app. One of the compilation warnings I got as a result was: 'SecRequestSharedWebCredential' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 14.0 - Use ASAuthorizationController to make an ASAuthorizationPasswordRequest (AuthenticationServices framework) So I tried updating my code as follows let provider = ASAuthorizationPasswordProvider()             let request = provider.createRequest()             let authorizationController = ASAuthorizationController(authorizationRequests: [request])             authorizationController.delegate = self             authorizationController.presentationContextProvider = self             authorizationController.performRequests() But it always calls the delegate callback func authorizationController(controller: ASAuthorizationController, didCompleteWithError error: Error) with error Error Code=1001 "No credentials available for login." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=No credentials available for login.} Even though the device (or simulator) has a stored password for my website. I have my website as an "associated domain" for my app of type webcredentials. What am I doing wrong here?
Oct ’21
Umbrella header imported into generated swift header
I have a framework with both Swift and Objective-C code. For some reason, the compiler decided that it was necessary to import the framework's umbrella header in its generated Swift.h file. This is causing duplicate definition errors and preventing me from compiling.Example:Framework called "MyFramework"Swift code generates "MyFramework-Swift.h"Contents of MyFramework-Swift.h includes this line:#import <MyFramework/MyFramework.h>This causes the errors and prevents me from building. Changing random lines of Swift code seems to make it NOT put this line in the Swift.h file, but this is not a working solution for me as I need the line of Swift code in question. It was not causing this error before.Any hints on how to prevent the compiler from putting its own umbrella header into the generated Swift.h file?
Oct ’16
UI tests from the command line
We are trying to build tooling around UI tests. We'd like to get a list of all of the UI tests in our project. Does anyone know how to do this on the command line using xcodebuild or some other command line tool?Also, do you know if it's possible to ask xcodebuild to only run specific tests via the command line some how?
Mar ’16
Build XCTest UI runner (without running it)
We're investigating various ways to run UI automation tests. One option we're trying requires uploading our app's *.ipa file and the UITest-Runner app's *.ipa file to a third party, who can then run the tests on various devices.I can't seem to get a working build of the Runner app without actually running the tests, though. If I build the UI Test target using xcodebuild on the command line, it packages up everything EXCEPT a *.xctestconfiguration file inside the runner app. The only way I've been able to get Xcode to create this xctestconfiguration file for me is to run "xcodebuild" with action "test".Ideally I would just build the packge and not have to run the UI tests.Does anyone know how to generate this "xctestconfiguration" file without actually running the UI tests?
Mar ’16