With iOS 9 beta 4, the CNCopySupportedInterfaces API is broken.
(it was working until beta3)
So my app can't get current wifi ssid.
It should be possible to use [NEHotspotHelper supportedNetworkInterfaces]
However it returns always nil.
How is it possible to get current ssid ?
(I don't want to manage hotspot network)
Looks like it works again in iOS 9 GM
I also want to draw your attention to the big **** comment at the top of
in the iOS 9 SDK included with the Xcode 7.0 GM seed. To wit:
IMPORTANT This API is deprecated starting in iOS 9. For captive network applications, this has been completely replaced by
. For other applications, there is no direct replacement. Please file a bug describing your use of this API so that we can consider your requirements as this situation evolves.<NetworkExtension/NEHotspotHelper.h>
If you do file a bug about this please send me, via email, your bug number. My email address is in my signature, below. For the next month or so I’m going to collect input on this issue.
You should, of course, feel free to continue discussing the issue here on DevForums.
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Quinn "The Eskimo!"
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"