




How to get Xcode to support iOS 12.5.5 devices
Hello, I have several devices that are maxed at iOS 12.5.5. After recently upgrading Xcode to 13.2.1, I get an error saying "Failed to prepare device for development. This operation can fall if the version of the OS on the devices is incompatible with the installed version of Xcode." I have tried multiple "fixes", including restoring devices and restarting mac. I opened the Xcode application package and went to contents/developer/platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport and found there is NO 12.5 folder. It jumps from 12.4 to 13.0. In another post, someone suggested renaming the 12.4 folder to 12.5...I tried that, no luck. I even duplicated the 12.4 folder and renamed copy to 12.5...still no luck. Any help??? Thank you!
Feb ’22
How to get app approval for app that connects to external equipment via Bluetooth
Hello all,I already have several apps in production, but I have developed my first app that connects to an external device (built by me) using Bluetooth. How do I go about getting app approval, since the device is also required? Do I need to send all my equipment in to Apple? If so, do they ship it back? How does that all work?Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Jan ’19
Multipeer Connectivity in iOS 10 (Bluetooth Issues)
I have an app that has been in production for 3 years. It uses MPC to connect remotes (iphones/ipods) to an iPad for sports scoring.In testing with iOS 10 (now on GM), I have come across the following issue:The app works fine when all devices are on using WiFi only, i.e. everything connects. When I put all devices into Bluetooth only, I get a connect failure.Here is my invitation code:[_servicebrowser invitePeer:peerID toSession:_session withContext:nil timeout:30];Here is my connection code on the iPad:-(void)advertiser:(MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser *)advertiser didReceiveInvitationFromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID withContext:(NSData *)context invitationHandler:(void (^)(BOOL, MCSession *))invitationHandler{ if (_serverState == ServerStateAcceptingConnections && [self connectedClientCount] < self.maxClients) { NSLog(@"MatchmakingServer: Connection accepted from peer %@", peerID); invitationHandler (true, _session); } else { invitationHandler (false, _session); }}-(void)session:(MCSession *)session didReceiveCertificate:(NSArray *)certificate fromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID certificateHandler:(void (^)(BOOL))certificateHandler{ certificateHandler (true);}Here is the issue:When using WiFi (Bluetooth turned off on all devices), the didReceiveCertificate method is called and passes as usual. When using only Bluetooth(WiFi off on all devices), this method is never called and the console gives the following message:Advertiser got invite with nil connectionData. Data from peer [Steve's iPhone,09D0CE9E] received with error Connection closed.The connection then fails.This is a huge problem for me as my clients rely on Bluetooth connectsion as well as WiFi.What has changed???? The exact same code is being executed for WiFi or Bluetooth.
Sep ’16