Unable to install iOS13 Beta

I am unable to install the above beta on an 2018 iPad Pro. Downloaded directly from this web site.

Any ideas?

Dan Uff

Answered by JKing42 in 363149022

Never mind. found it.

secret is the devices are now in the Finder. click on it there and the proper page pops up!

Just had to put on my developer hat and go looking!!

How are you trying to install this? Do you have one of the following requirements?

Installing iOS 13 via iTunes requires Xcode 11 beta already installed or macOS 10.15 beta already installed.

Having same problem, installing from iTunes window app.

Install it with iTunes. And make sure you have macOS 10.15 beta OR Xcode 11 beta installed. When installing Xcode make sure you launch it once to finish the installation proces.

Isn't iOS 13 Beta only for the iPhone now? iPadOS is the new OS for the iPad - or did I miss something?

I can’t install ipad OS too

Itunes+PC+Windows 10,i always get the Error Message“Please update itunes to the latest Version“when i click on the IPSW File,but i have the latest Version on my PC

You need a Mac that’s running MacOS 10.15.

I keep hearing Install with iTunes but iTunes is now gone.

Using the new Music app, I see the p[ad fine but can't get to the "summary" page where we used to reset/update/etc??

Any help is appreciated

Accepted Answer

Never mind. found it.

secret is the devices are now in the Finder. click on it there and the proper page pops up!

Just had to put on my developer hat and go looking!!

Yeah, I found the same thing after hours of tryin to install it via iTunes :-(

10.15 isn’t necessary. 10.14 will do as long as you have Xcode 11 beta installed.

I have installed macos 10.15 beta on my Macbook Pro. There is no itunes in it. And the latest version of iTunes won't install on this version of macos. So how am I supposed to install ipados 13 beta without itunes?

I can't install ipados with 10.15. No itunes included. Where is the itunes that will work?

You have to install it through Finder. Plug your iPad/iPhone into your Mac and open Finder. Your iPad/iPhone will show up in the sidebar. Click on it and you will see the old iTunes summary window.

So what is being said by Apple because we have all the money in the world that my windows pc cannot update my iPhone to IOS13 unless I get a MacBook as if I just had $1200 to throw down for a Macbook just to install IOS13, what a joke. $96? Look how much they prioritize the developers that actually pay money into betas and still 6 days later I can’t pair my iwatch IOS6 because I need IOS13 on my phone which you need a Mac for. Smh, apple is seriously making me lose my patience for them as this should be taken care of ASAP

it’s now in ’Finder’. Click on your phone and the same old iTunes screen shows

You can do it via the new Xcode . If you read that line under beta install, it says macOS OR Xcode

I spent hours trying to get it to update in the "Music" app, which only shows the summary page if you restart the iPad after its plugged in.. Even still, it would not accept the update file. Thanks for the tips!


Your device will appear in finder.

Option & Restore to the ISPW, and it will update for you.




ios 13

13 ios


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Unable to install iOS13 Beta