iPadOS 13 "firmware is not compatible"

Trying to restore a dev iPad to iPad_Fall_2018_13.0_17A5492t_Restore.ipsw on a 2018 iPad Pro 12.9", and I keep getting "This iPad could not be restored because the firmware is not compatible"

I've tried re-downloading the ispw, no go. Anyone else seeing this?

Yep. So, I installed the new MACOS, forgetting there is no more iTunes to install the ipsw image. So, now I'm stuck

Devices now show up in finder on Catalina. Connect your device, launch finder, and your device should appear. You can then update/restore to the .ipsw file from there, the same way as you could from iTunes.

A part of the release notes stated that you should have the latest Xcode beta installed in order to install the update on the device.

So, I had the same message, then I realised I'd clicked the iPhone ipsw file by mistake.

Have MacOS 10.15 Beta installed.

Connect iPad to Mac via cable.

Find iPad in Finder sidebar and Pair.

'Option Click' 'Check for Update' and goto iPad_Fall_2018_13.0_17A5492t_Restore.ipsw file and select it.

You should then be asked for you passcode on your iPad, and all should work from there.

I’m having the exact same problem you are. I’ve tried it on both Mojave and Catalina. I downloaded the Xcode beta from the portal. I know I chose the right IPSW for my 2018 iPad Pro 12.9 inch. I’m not sure but I think Apple is trolling us. Because it’s definitely working. I’ll let you know if I figure out what’s causing it. Can you update me as well if you figure it out first?

I did all the steps and it doesn’t work. You keep saying this iPad cannot be updated because the file firmware is not compatible. I’m ready to yank my hair out. I’m really upset at Apple for taking away the convenient mobile profile option. This is a pain!

Me too. How to solve this problem?

same here, cant figure out why it's not working

It's a beta - the very first beta of 3 months' worth of betas. Of course parts of it don't work. I'm sorry you have this problem but maybe the profiles only come along when. the public beta is available?

Which iPad Pro 12.9" do y'all have? Notice there are three different images, since there are three generations:

Here, I have edited the choices to make it more clear:



FWIW, the instructions say you can either be on Mojave with Xcode 11 beta and install from iTunes, or be on the Catalina beta.

I used the Mojave + iTunes (with Xcode 11 installed first) method using the first image above on my iPad Pro 12.9" (2018 / Third Generation).

You have to know to hold the option key when clicking the "restore" button on the device view in iTunes. With the option key held down it will prompt you for the image. Sounds like many of the respondents got that far, but at the same time, many are not being very specific about which iPad Pro 12.9" they have, hence, my original reply.

I have the same issue with my iPad Pro 10.5" I have followed all the instractions but the same message keept showing each time I have instoalled xcode 11 beta and downloaded the correct ipsw restore file for my iPad Pro but with sucssess.

hope there is a way to soleve this issue

hey, in case you haven't figured this out yet-- have you tried to redownload the ipsw? I had this occur once, and realized that the ipsw that had been downloaded was incomplete, and upon redownloading it had no issues.

+1, same issue.

Installed Catalina beta on a partitition

Booted into Catalina

Installed XCode 11 beta

Ran XCode to install it's files.

Downloaded iPad mini (5th generation), iPad Air (3rd generation)

Brand new iPad Air 2019, visible in Catalina's Finder.

Attempt to restore to the iPad ...

- "firmware incompatible"

( re-downloaded the restore image 3 times, get the same error each attempt ).

I’m also having the same issue , this is unecceptable and is actually making Me very upset .

Takes a total of like 15GB for it to tell me it won’t work ?

I am trying to get it to work on my iPad pro 10.5 .

giving the same issue By saying “ firmware file is not compatible “ .

Really ?

I fixed this by running the xcode 11 beta and let it install everything before trying to install the image to the iPad.

13. 2

In this situation, the iTunes can't recognize the firmware or the IPSW file is not matched with your device. You can restart your iPad and update iTunes to the latest version. Or download the right firmware file by visiting IPSW Downloader. Besides, you can also use the third-party iOS system recovery tool to fix this issue. Or you can directly go to the Apple store to seek suggestions.
iPadOS 13 "firmware is not compatible"