notarization throws error

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On using notarization from command line on Mojave 10.14.5 as below:

xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id "" -u "***" -p "***" -f "***.zip"

The following error is observed :

To use this application, you must first sign in to iTunes Connect and sign the relevant contracts. (1048)

Currenlty latest XCode 10.2.1 is being used despite of that this error is observed. I am able to successfully login to developer account and itunesconnect account which does not display any contracts/agreements.

What could be missing?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 397893022
OK, I finally manage to come up with a definitive process for resolving this problem. See Error 1048 When Notarising.

To avoid further confusion, I’m going to lock this thread and mark this answer as correct [1]. If you experience the 1048 error and can’t resolve it using the process described in my new post, please feel free to start a new thread with the Notarization tag.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

[1] Specifically, this post subsumes all the advice I’ve posted earlier on this thread.

-- this posting was sent by email to Mr. Quinn, too
Dear Mr. Quinn,

According to your wish in this thread:

I have to report that I am not able no notarize my command line program:


xcrun altool --notarize-app -t osx -f ez.login.eas.mac --primary-bundle-id com.myApp.RobertWelz -u -p PASSWORD -itc_provider ThinPrintGmbH --output-format xml


xcrun altool --notarize-app -t osx -f ez.login.eas.mac --primary-bundle-id com.myApp.RobertWelz -u -p PASSWORD -itc_provider 5RYB389N6F --output-format xml

give the same error:

Package Summary:
1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems:
/var/folders/63/6z6xxym95jl9jm126g961whc0000gn/T/675243A5-B864-48AF-ADE9-FB17C045D6D0/Untitled.itmsp - Error Messages:
To use this application, you must first sign in to iTunes Connect and sign the relevant contracts. (1048)

It used to work a few weeks ago, so me and my colleagues have verified that there are no contracts/agreements to sign at iTunes Connect.

Can you help?

kind regards,
Robert Welz


Berlin, Germany

Robert Welz | Software Development ThinPrint

ThinPrint GmbH | Alt-Moabit 91 a/b | 10559 Berlin | Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)30 394931-0 | Fax: +49 (0)30 394931-99 |

Hi Quinn,

I'm still having this issue. The enterpise accounts don't have an option Banking and Tax agreements. Iike everyone else it was working fine then stopped.

Thank you,


Has there been any news? If you have an Enterpise account there is no option to enter Tax Agreements and Banking information. It seems accepting those agreements might have fixed the issue for some, but what about if those agreements are not applicable to your account type?

Thank you,


Hello Francois,

Did you get a resolution? I think I am in the same situation.



Notarization is still not working for me. Even I am using Enterprise account with no agreements to accept as mentioned. Has anyone got it working using enterprise account? If so what steps to follow.

I eventually got this working for me by leaving other teams that have been long dormant and triggering emails to the account holders needing to update their agreements.

I’ve been helping a bunch of different folks with the To use this application, you must first sign in to iTunes Connect and sign the relevant contracts. (1048) error. So far I’ve uncovered three different potential causes:

  • Contracts (A) — This is the ‘obvious’ cause of this problem, one that I discussed above in point 1 of my 1 Jun post, above.

  • Multiple teams and Xcode (B) — If you’re submitting via Xcode, be aware that there is currently a bug whereby, if you’re a member of multiple teams, it selects the ‘wrong’ team and trigger this problem (r. 52206810).

    To check whether you’re experiencing this specific problem, try submitting using

    from the command line (per Customizing the Notarization Workflow). If that works and Xcode fails, you know that you fall into this category.

    Note You don’t need to notarise your main app to run this test. Rather, use

    to notarise a trivial test app and see whether that works.

    We’re hoping to resolve this issue sooner rather than later but, for the moment, you can work around it by submitting with

  • Enterprise teams (C) — There’s an ongoing problem that causes this error for In-House (Enterprise) teams. If you’re working in an Enterprise team and you’ve ruled out A and B, you should file a bug per the instructions in point 2 of my 1 Jun post (unless you’ve already done so).

Share and Enjoy

Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

I'm on an Enterprise team and have the error as well. Bug Report: FB6823719


I have this error as well. Bug Report: FB6823326


I have this error as well. Bug Report: FB7355105

Same issue here: FB 7324507

I also encountered such a problem, how did you solve it?

Did you grt any solution? I am also facing the same issue. It was working fine till yesterday,

Althought we have only free iOS apps, signing the Apple agreement for payed apps did solve the probem.

Nope - support said that I have signed the ADPE 2020 contract and that is no longer valid and I need to sign the 2025 one, but there was no instruction on how to actually do that.

I'm not even trying to do iOS development, I'm just packaging an app for installation on macOS. And it's not even an app I wrote, it's just so I can disribute the app via my MDM tool.

I have the same issue, I have an enterprise account and appstore account, but the enterpise throw off the contract error message, when I tried to use my appstore account it say I am not a member of provider.

Notarization is failing with "You must first sign the relevant contracts online. (1048)"

However, we have already signed both of the agreements. When I login into Appstoreconnect as a team agent, I see there are two agreements:

  • Type: Free Apps

    status: Active

  • Type: Paid Apps

    status: Active (Pending User Info)

Since all of our apps are free, we do not intend to fill out the information for Paid Apps. Could you please look into this with high priority, it is preventing us from notarizing releases for this week.

Finally after I signed Paid Apps agreements, my MacOS app send to notariztion service and return "Ready to distribute".

I am having the exact same situation: "You must first sign the relevant contracts online. (1048)", and I'm not even distributing my products (Adobe Photoshop add-ons) through Apple, so there's no way that I fill user info for Paid Apps.

Moreover, the notarization process used to work flawlessly last week, I've changed nothing at all, and I've already agreed on XCode terms and conditions.

My undestanding is that this is a very annoying, random error – it's been two days now that I can't notarize a dmg. In the past I've had similar strokes of bad luck, then some good luck, and so on.

But again, it is annoying to say the least :-/

FB7382823, any help would be great, we are stuck.

This is happening to me now, after I have just updated to 10.15.1 stable, still using Xcode 11.1. Posted feedback FB7417718.

And now it's happening again with my own project file. I cannot notarize and release updates now. I do not think having to use the beta is an appropriate action, either, if that somehow fixes it.

I can also confirm that. I had to pay $99 to renew my Apple Developer Membership just to accept the Paid Apps agreement (!!!). And only then the error went away. This is really weird because I don't sell my app on the App Store and have a valid Developer ID certificate.

And now it's doing it again with Xcode 11.2.1.

And it's also taking upwards of 5 minutes to get a 2FA code to appear on any of my devices.

E: Okay, I found I could successfully notarize by using the manual altool method. It seems it was picking up the fact that my account's primary team, a personal team, is expired. I had to use altool with the correct team shortcode for the developer team I am a member of and have access to a Developer ID certificate for.

I've just run into exactly the same problem and I am using altool. I used it a few months ago and it worked perfectly fine. Today I tried to use it again for an update we just released for OS X and I'm geting the error about signing contacts on line but there's nothing online for me to sign.



for the moment, you can work around it by submitting with

notarization throws error