




System keychain keeps locking
I was getting continued prompts to enter my password for some code signing and eventually discovered that I could unlock the system keychain, which I did. However, it keeps locking by itself, seemingly when I click on another chain, and possibly even by itself sometimes. The "Login" window has the option to change lock settings but it is current configured to never lock. Any idea how to fix this? This is on macOS 10.15 which I still need to keep around to build versions of my product for older systems. Thanks in advance
Dec ’23
Looking for prebuilt notary tool for macOS 10.14
For reasons beyond the scope of this post, I need to build one of my products on macOS 10.14 I was using xcrun altool --notarize-app but it stopped working today (per the recent announcement that it was going away, so not a surprise) I am told that it is possible to run the notarytool on 10.14, i.e. xcrun notarytool, which is what I use for builds on newer platforms. I'm hoping that someone can help me to get a version of notarytool that will run on 10.14 Thanks in advance
Dec ’23
Package Invalid --- how about a clue?
I'm trying to notarize a pkg file that I created. The command looks like this (names changed to protect the guilty!) xcrun altool --notarize-app --file "$PACKAGE_LOCATION" --password "@keychain:AC_PASSWORD" --primary-bundle-id "com.***.yyy.package" --verbose I get an email back that notarization failed and when I query it, all I get back is Status: invalid Status Code: 2 Status Message: Package Invalid There is also a large LogFileURL and when I paste that into a browser I get (Request ID hidden) <Error> <Code>429</Code> <Message>Application byte rate limit exceeded.</Message> <RequestId>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</RequestId> <Resource> /itmspod12-assets-massilia-032001/Enigma122/v4/d2/5e/9f/d25e9f49-7d49-f370-b142-cee30a862f8a/p6R3Xe9Q2x3GmKcysMtiZJvIdjrI0Vw2TYKBCvZgU2M_U003d-1649862816665 </Resource> </Error> and I have no idea what the message means there. Any help would be appreciated.
Apr ’22
How do I remove an unwanted destination?
When I try to clean or compile my MacOS project from the command line, by invoking, say, xcodebuild clean -quiet -project "$XcodeProject" -scheme "$PRODUCT_NAME - App" -configuration Release -archivePath $ARCHIVE_PATH ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO I get a warning about multiple matching destinations (see below). I don't quite know what these mean and certainly using the first one seems to work but I'd like to eliminate this warning. How do I get rid of the other destination? --- xcodebuild: WARNING: Using the first of multiple matching destinations: { platform:macOS, arch:x86_64, id:536BEC8E-3102-5A3D-9963-2C0856EC47F9 } { platform:macOS, name:Any Mac } Thanks in advance
Mar ’22
Struggling to constuct complete command line build
I have a Mac app and via Xcode 13 I can archive, export and notarize with no problem. I am now trying to create a command line script using xcodebuild, xcrun notarytool, and so forth and am struggling to get this to work This line works fine to create the archive xcodebuild -project MyProject.xcodeproj -scheme "MyProject - App" -configuration Release archive These two lines seem to correctly work to create the (though I am unclear about the exportOptionsPlist and whether I created that correctly) /usr/bin/xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath "$ARCHIVE_PATH" -exportOptionsPlist "$EXPORT_OPTIONS" -exportPath "$EXPORT_PATH" -allowProvisioningUpdates /usr/bin/ditto -c -k --keepParent "$APP_PATH" "$ZIP_PATH" Finally, this runs but fails with numerous errors xcrun notarytool submit $ZIP_PATH --keychain-profile "myprofile" --wait The first relevant entry is "message": "The binary is not signed with a valid Developer ID certificate.", So the question is, what did I leave out in the commands earlier such that the binary wasn't signed? Thanks in advance (An aside -- it would be really nice if xcode itself had an option to export the appropriate commands as a script to do a command line build)
Feb ’22
Xcode 13 indexing is broken
I had to (sigh) upgrade to Monterey last week which forced me to upgrade to Xcode 13.1 Since then, indexing seems to have died, refactoring no longer works, I can't jump to a "definitions", etc. When I first open Xcode, I note that there's a brief message at the top saying "Initializing datastore" which lasts about 1 second and that's it. The usual message "Indexing..." does not show up. Anyone know how to fix this? I've had to switch to a virtual machine for development using an older OS and Xcode because of this. Thanks in advance for any solution. Searching does not seem to find anything useful.
Nov ’21
How can I download an older version of XCode?
For the life of me, I can't figure out how to download Xcode for 10.14 I have a 10.14 machine set up but from the app store on that machine, it will only offer the latest xcode and of course I'm told that I need 10.11 I can see Xcode 12 and the Xcode 13 beta but I cannot find links anywhere for "older" versions. Would appreciate some guidance. Thanks
Sep ’21