ready for sale is unavailable on app store over 15 hours

ready for sale is unavailable on app store over 15 hours

I'm seeing the same thing - our update was approved yesterday afternoon, still not showing up.

Same here. Very few updates since yesterday so there is probably a hicup.

Same here. it has been 22 hours now.

same here. it has been now over 24 hours.

Same here, it's been about 4 hours for us, usually takes less than one. Hurting us because we are a multiplayer game that requires client/server version sync and I can't open our logins back up.

Same here. Now 26 hours after a new Mac app approval. Support person this morning said 24 hours was typical for new apps (updates are supposed to be faster). Direct link in App Store Connect goes to blank page.

Are you all right now? What to do about it

It's the same for me.

It's been 36 hours, the game is still not available.

Same for us.

Our last mac app update has been approved 20 hrs ago, and still not available on the mac app store...

Dropped a mail to the apple dev support team a few hours ago but no email back so far.

Our app update is available on the store as of this morning - must have just been some delays on the AppStore Connect side of things.

Yep, app update is available this morning. Must have been a slow down / glitch on the App Store Connect side of things...

My new MacOS app is also in the app store this morning, so somewhere between 31 and 37 hours after approval either "enough time passed" or "somebody fixed something". Assuming "somebody fixed something"...thank you!

Our app finally appeared this morning as well, after about 16 hours. Seems like something got backed up on the propagation side and it finally busted loose.

Looks like I'm having the same issue now. App has been approved 3 hours ago and is still not showing up.

Same here.

It's been unavailable about 24 hours.

Same here, it has been about 22 hours now from May 15th morning and still no update shows up for my app update in any of the store fronts. Looks like a hiccup again.

Same here.

It's been unavailable about 28 hours.

Same here, it's been 21 hours since the approved message now. Normally it just takes a couple of hours, maximum.

Same here,it's been 36 hours...

same here 48 hours

1.5 days for me. Preorders and reviewers be damned.

24 hours for me now

same here, I didn't realize until now, 26 hours for me.

72 hours . it is big joke :/

Quick fix: Remove the app from sale and immediately publish it to sale again. We did this yesterday after 24hrs of inactivity and our update showed up after 30 minutes.

ready for sale is unavailable on app store over 15 hours