Distributing the same application to 2 different publishers

We have been contacted by 2 publishers to publish our game in 2 different regions.

One operates in China and the other in US and non of them ask for exclusivity.

What are our option to send the same game/app to the 2 publishers (note that they both want it under their own account).

Sending the same game twice for review will violate the guidelines, so what are the options to publish in 2 different regions of the world. (Also each publisher have their own set of SDK integrations).

Thank you.

The recent 'spam' objections are all directed to the same developer publishing similar versions of the same app for different 'stores' (i.e. multiple apps for different Barber Shops - one for in each town in California). While your app is the same it will hit the App Store from two different developer accounts so the App Store will not apply that recent concern to the two apps. But your app does have similar code so it still violates the 'spam' 4.3 guideline; but does it? Won't the versions be localized differently; one in Chinese the other in English? If so, go for it.

>each publisher have their own set of SDK integration

I don't see too much of any issue, actually, since they won't be identical, however all involved parties need to keep in mind that there are no pre-reviews, app review isn't here, and no one here can promise what review will/won't accept/reject.

Just be sure to CYA.

Good luck.

Did you finally find a solution? We have the same problem as you.

Distributing the same application to 2 different publishers