ITMS-90081 with Xcode 10 (10A254a)

` Hi,

I tried to submit with xcode and suddenly I got ITMS-90081 error saying that

ERROR: ERROR ITMS-90081: "This bundle is invalid. Applications built for more than one architecture require an iOS Deployment Target of 3.0 or later."

I have already set `ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH` to NO.

I was wondering if this is something to do with the Watch's new arch `arm64_32`?


Rendy Pranata

Accepted Reply

Just wanted to add that I was running into this same issue today. It's really misleading because it says iOS 3.0, but I was able to fix this by adjusting my watchOS target. While my main watchOS target was 4.0, some of my Cocoapods were set for watchOS 2.0, and updating those all to 4.0 as well solved this for me. Hopefully this will help someone else running into this problem.


My app contains Realm watchOS framework.

The archive finally went through after changing the Realm's watchOS config in Base.xcconfig to


This is a bug in app ingestion. We're in the process of fixing it. Please refer to bug #44431618 for communications with Developer Relations.


I am facing the error in uploading the ips to appstore but with a different error .

ERROR ITMS-90733: "Missing architecture. Apps built with Watch OS 5.0 and later SDKs must contain additional architectures.

I dont know which all architectures i am missing on.

- our deployment targets are iOS 10 and watchOS 3

- the Build Setting "Valid Architectures" for iOS is "arm64 arm64e armv7 armv7s"

- the Build Setting "Valid Architectures" for watchOS is "arm64_32 armv7k"

Anyone faced similar issue? can anyone help me in this?



For me that happened, because some of framework in target have wrong embedded type.

Try change framework type from "Embedded and sign" to "Do not embedded".

I have the same problem. But I'm using Swift PM, not Cocoapods... Cannot specify versions for the packages.

The error is caused by Firebase. Removing the package and uploading successfully.

Resolved! I removed all auxilary Firebase products, including Crashlytics, only FirebaseAnalytics left. And it uploads!