Pre-Order by Region

My company is planning a soft launch in one region followed by a global launch a couple months later.

Can we Offer for Pre-Order globally, while we are live in one region?

Will customers be notified when it becomes available in their region but not be notified if it is not available in their region yet?

Thank you!

Suggest you enable your inital region only via iTC/Rights & Availability, then add more and open things up globally after two months.


I know this post is a year old now but did your release work as you initially planned?

I am looking to do the same thing, Live release in 3 countries for a month before a global launch while allowing all remaining countries to pre-order the app until the full release.

The iTC Help seems to suggest this isn't possible.

"Making your app available for pre-order removes other Version Release options from the platform version information page."



Pre-Order by Region