TestFlight could not connect to iTunes Connect. Try Again Later.

TestFlight phone app says it could not connect to iTunes Connect but I can login into my iTunesConnect from the browser and see the new build and ready to install status.

I tried in a few devices installing TestFlight but no luck...Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Same here (Pakistan). 😟

Same here (China). 😟

Some user working & some user issue 😟

we are also facing the same issue for all the users (INDIA).

same in UK. some members from our team are ok some others cannot access TestFligh apps. Also editing TestFlight info in iTunes connect fails most of the times for me.

We have the same issue here ( France & VietNam )

We are encountring same issue (Pakistan)

Is there any option here to +1 this post?

still no connection (Russia)

still no connection (Poland)

Same here (Brazil). 😐

Same issue in China. It's has been shut down for 2 days.

Same here (India)

Started working again (Brazil)!! 😍

still down (US)

TestFlight could not connect to iTunes Connect. Try Again Later.