New Builds on iTunes Connect stuck processing

I have been uploaded new build via application loader (xocde 9.3 - 9E145). The build is in Processing state for past 5 hours and the build is usually getting released for beta testing which in 30 mins max. Any suggestion?

Same here...

I've had exactly the same.

Submitted two builds-- both stuck in processing for over three hours.

I uploaded a build for macOS almost 12hours ago.... its still stuck,

normally uploading a fresh build fixes this,

but ive uploaded a total of 5 builds over the last 12hrs hoping one would get through processimg....

no such luck


same here, stuck for over 10 hours now 😟

plus a really frustrated client, unable to try out his promised app

Same here, counting 5 hours and more.

Why Apple, Why? 😕

I have this problem . I uploaded new build using Xcode 11.3 , but my new build is processing in app store connect . Please help me ...

Same here it's about 17 hours, please help me

New Builds on iTunes Connect stuck processing