Xcode Sanitizers and Runtime Issues

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Xcode Runtime Issues are reports of programming errors found at run time. Issues can be found by variety of tools, including Address Sanitizer (ASan), Main Thread Checker (MTC), Thread Sanitizer (TSan), and Undefined Behavior Sanitizer (UBSan).

Posts under Xcode Sanitizers and Runtime Issues tag

27 Posts
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Callstack of a std::exception does not include the location of the throw
We have an C++ app which runs on multiple platforms and is build using the Qt framework. For a while we had issues with unexplainable stack traces reported by testflight users. Now I found out that if I just put throw std::runtime_error("something"); at the start of my main method the resulting crash call stack would not point to my main method. Is there something I can do (compiler flags/variables/code etc) to have the call stack from the actual throw show up in XCode and testflight?
Apr ’24
Lag on a complicated SwiftUI view on devices different than iPhone 13 mini
The problem, that I am currently facing is related to an electronic program guide screen. I will add a simplified example of what my initial implementation was. ScrollViewReader { ScrollView(axis: [.horizontal, .vertical]) { LazyVStack(pinnedViews: .sectionHeaders) { Section(header: TimelineView()) { ForEach(channels) { channel in LazyHStack(pinnedViews: .sectionHeaders) { Section(header: ChannelLogoView()) { ForEach(channel.programs) { program in ProgramCell(program) } } } } } } } The actual implementation included a lot more modifiers and code, but I never got it to work and gave up because most of the problems happening were so weird that there was no code explaining what is going on. Examples are cells appearing out of the view bounds or just disappearing when you scroll around. I thought those are happening because of the nested Lazy stack both with pinned views and I gave up on that approach. So next I decided to use PreferenceKey for updating the scroll position and offset both the views that need to be pinned based on that. The code looks something like that: GeometryReader { geoProxy in ScrollViewReader { scrollProxy in ScrollView([.vertical, .horizontal], showsIndicators: false) { ProgramGuideView() .background( GeometryReader { geometry in theme.primaryColor.preference( key: ScrollOffsetPreferenceKey.self, value: geometry.frame(in: .named(X)).origin ) } ) .onPreferenceChange(ScrollOffsetPreferenceKey.self) { point in self.position = point //Position is a @State held in the view } } } } On top of the grometry reader I have 2 overlays with offsets for the Channel headers and timeline view. In the program guide view I removed the Lazy stacks and used the normal ones and what was very crucial for this whole combination not to lag was using the drawingGroup() modifier. And it worked like a charm when testing on my iPhone 13 mini, but on all other devices that I have tested (14 Pro Max, 14 Pro, 13, Xs) it lags. The only difference that I am seeing is that on those phones when ran from Xcode an error gets logged - Bound preference key tried updating multiple times per frame. So my questions here are: What is the difference between the iPhone 13 mini and the rest of the deices, for this error to occur, and is there a way to overcome it? Do you have any suggestions on implementing a view like that using SwiftUI, or just improvement/optimisation ideas on the approaches described above? I am sorry if I have made any mistakes writing and copy-pasting the code in the snippets above. Also that I am not including the source code directly but I can definitely add more specifics if someone has interest in the problem. Thanks!
Mar ’24
Branch coverage data with UBSAN enable (UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer) in Xcode
Hi, On enabling UBSAN(UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer) on Xcode a dip in branch coverage is observed. Is this behaviour expected? If the answer is yes, is there a way to enable UBSAN without affecting branch coverage data? Below is the reference of same code base, branch coverage data with enable and disable UBSAN Xcode version: 14.3.1 With UBSAN enable: Total branches: 250733 No of branches hit: 47945 With UBSAN disable: Total branches: 38673 No of branches hit: 11220
Mar ’24
Branch coverage data with UBSAN enable (UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer) in Xcode
Hi, On enabling UBSAN(UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer) on Xcode a dip in branch coverage is observed. Is this behaviour expected? If the answer is yes, is there a way to enable UBSAN without affecting branch coverage data? Below is the reference of same code base, branch coverage data with enable and disable UBSAN Xcode version: 14.3.1 With UBSAN enable: Total branches: 250733 No of branches hit: 47945 With UBSAN disable: Total branches: 38673 No of branches hit: 11220
Mar ’24
Crash on [WKWebView initWithFrame: configuration:]
Crash condition: when I update the Xcode version to 15.3 and run the iPhone to load the app on debug mode with the following diagnosing setting: Hardware Model: iPhone 14 pro Role: Foreground Date/Time: 2024-03-08 11:30 -0800 Launch Time: 2024-03-08 11:30 -0800 OS Version: iPhone OS 17.4(21E219) Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT Exception Codes: (code=1, subcode=0x19b1eba48) Exception Note: EXC_BREAKPOINT Triggered by Thread: 1 Thread 1 Queue : com.apple.main-thread (serial) #0 0x000000019b1eba48 in xzm_malloc_zone_free_slow.cold.1 () #1 0x000000019b1e28d0 in xzm_malloc_zone_free_slow () #2 0x00000001a25ef1c8 in pas_try_deallocate_slow_no_cache () #3 0x00000001a10d32f8 in ***::String::String(__CFString const*) () #4 0x00000001a0494ab8 in WebKit::isFullWebBrowserOrRunningTest() () #5 0x00000001a09e1520 in WebKit::WebsiteDataStoreConfiguration::WebsiteDataStoreConfiguration(WebKit::IsPersistent, WebKit::WebsiteDataStoreConfiguration::ShouldInitializePaths) () #6 0x00000001a09d3ae0 in WebKit::WebsiteDataStore::defaultDataStore() () #7 0x00000001a05bc5e8 in +[WKWebsiteDataStore defaultDataStore] () #8 0x00000001a05b6624 in -[WKWebViewConfiguration websiteDataStore] () #9 0x00000001a0576850 in -[WKWebView _initializeWithConfiguration:] () #10 0x00000001a0577e04 in -[WKWebView initWithFrame:configuration:] () #11 0x0000000104cbf724 in -[AAChartView initConfigurationWithFrame:] at /Users/quinn/Documents/objcio/AAChartKit-master/AAChartKitLib/AAChartCreator/AAChartView.m:133 #12 0x0000000104cbf4e8 in -[AAChartView initWithFrame:] at /Users/quinn/Documents/objcio/AAChartKit-master/AAChartKitLib/AAChartCreator/AAChartView.m:115 #13 0x0000000104c133a4 in -[BasicChartVC setupAAChartView] at /Users/quinn/Documents/objcio/AAChartKit-master/AAChartKitDemo/ChartsDemo/BasicChartVC.m:99 #14 0x0000000104c13208 in -[BasicChartVC drawChart] at /Users/quinn/Documents/objcio/AAChartKit-master/AAChartKitDemo/ChartsDemo/BasicChartVC.m:86 #15 0x0000000104c12f9c in -[BasicChartVC viewDidLoad] at /Users/quinn/Documents/objcio/AAChartKit-master/AAChartKitDemo/ChartsDemo/BasicChartVC.m:66 #16 0x000000018d4e530c in -[UIViewController _sendViewDidLoadWithAppearanceProxyObjectTaggingEnabled] () #17 0x000000018d29bfb4 in -[UIViewController loadViewIfRequired] () #18 0x000000018d29a7a8 in -[UIViewController view] () #19 0x000000018d98a384 in -[UINavigationController _startCustomTransition:] () #20 0x000000018d39dca4 in -[UINavigationController _startDeferredTransitionIfNeeded:] () #21 0x000000018d39d3a0 in -[UINavigationController __viewWillLayoutSubviews] () #22 0x000000018d39d304 in -[UILayoutContainerView layoutSubviews] () #23 0x000000018d2b90f8 in -[UIView(CALayerDelegate) layoutSublayersOfLayer:] () #24 0x000000018c6e3e30 in CA::Layer::layout_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) () #25 0x000000018c6e39b4 in CA::Layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) () #26 0x000000018c6e9bb4 in CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*, double, double*) () #27 0x000000018c6e31bc in CA::Transaction::commit() () #28 0x000000018d331280 in _UIApplicationFlushCATransaction () #29 0x000000018d330d78 in _UIUpdateSequenceRun () #30 0x000000018d330468 in schedulerStepScheduledMainSection () #31 0x000000018d330524 in runloopSourceCallback () #32 0x000000018b04162c in __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ () #33 0x000000018b0408a8 in __CFRunLoopDoSource0 () #34 0x000000018b03f058 in __CFRunLoopDoSources0 () #35 0x000000018b03dd88 in __CFRunLoopRun () #36 0x000000018b03d968 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific () #37 0x00000001cf33b4e0 in GSEventRunModal () #38 0x000000018d4b0edc in -[UIApplication _run] () #39 0x000000018d4b0518 in UIApplicationMain () #40 0x0000000104d42ba8 in main at /Users/quinn/Documents/objcio/AAChartKit-master/AAChartKitDemo/main.m:38 #41 0x00000001ae55ed84 in start ()
May ’24
Errors running with ASAN when targeting iOS Devices
I'm unable to run my app with ASAN enabled when targeting a physical iOS device. Simulator targets do work. With Xcode 12 and an iPad mini 4 running iOS 14 beta 1 I get the following error during app launch ==750==ERROR: AddressSanitizer failed to allocate 0xffffffffff9fc000 (-6307840) bytes at address 2db624000 (errno: 22) ==750==ReserveShadowMemoryRange failed while trying to map 0xffffffffff9fc000 bytes. Perhaps you're using ulimit -v With Xcode 11.5 and an iPad Air 2 running OS 12.4.1 the error is ==2177==Unable to find a memory range after restricting VM. ==2177==AddressSanitizer CHECK failed: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/clangcompilerrt/clang-1103.0.32.62/compiler-rt/lib/asan/asanmac.cc:92 "((0 && "cannot place shadow after restricting vm")) != (0)" (0x0, 0x0) <empty stack>==2177==AddressSanitizer CHECK failed: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/clangcompilerrt/clang-1103.0.32.62/compiler-rt/lib/asan/../sanitizercommon/sanitizermallocmac.inc:143 "((!asaninitisrunning)) != (0)" (0x0, 0x0) warning: could not execute support code to read Objective-C class data in the process. This may reduce the quality of type information available. AddressSanitizer report breakpoint hit. Use 'thread info -s' to get extended information about the report. (lldb) thread info -s thread #1: tid = 0x1076c2, 0x000000011531e984 libclangrt.asaniosdynamic.dylib`__asan::AsanDie() My coworker is able to use ASAN with the same App using iPad Pro 10.5, iPadOS 13.5.1, Xcode 11.5 Are there any configuration changes I need to make to be able to use ASAN on my devices?
Sep ’24