Meet Object Capture for iOS

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Not with Object Capture Session, I tried with RealityKit
With code below, I added color and depth image from RealityKit ARView, and ran Photogrammetry on iOS device, the mesh looks fine, but the scale of the mesh is quit different with real world scale. let color = arView.session.currentFrame!.capturedImage let depth = arView.session.currentFrame!.sceneDepth!.depthMap //😀 Color let colorCIImage = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: color) let colorUIImage = UIImage(ciImage: colorCIImage) let depthCIImage = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: depth) let heicData = colorUIImage.heicData()! let fileURL = imageDirectory!.appendingPathComponent("\(scanCount).heic") do { try heicData.write(to: fileURL) print("Successfully wrote image to \(fileURL)") } catch { print("Failed to write image to \(fileURL): \(error)") } //😀 Depth let context = CIContext() let colorSpace = CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.linearGray)! let depthData = context.tiffRepresentation(of: depthCIImage, format: .Lf, colorSpace: colorSpace, options: [.disparityImage: depthCIImage]) let depth_dir = imageDirectory!.appendingPathComponent("IMG_\(scanCount)_depth.TIF") try! depthData!.write(to: depth_dir, options: [.atomic]) print("depth saved") And also tried this. let colorSpace = CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.linearGray) let depthCIImage = CIImage(cvImageBuffer: depth, options: [.auxiliaryDepth : true]) let context = CIContext() let linearColorSpace = CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.linearSRGB) guard let heicData = context.heifRepresentation(of: colorCIImage, format: .RGBA16, colorSpace: linearColorSpace!, options: [.depthImage : depthCIImage]) else { print("Failed to convert combined image into HEIC format") return } Does Anyone know why and how to fix this?
Oct ’23
Now that we have the Vision Pro, I really want to start using Apple's Object Capture API to transform real objects into 3D assets. I watched the latest Object Capture vid from WWDC 23 and noticed they were using a "sample app". Does Apple provide this sample app to VisionOS developers or do we have to build our own iOS app? Thanks and cheers!
Jul ’23
AVFoundation with lidar and this year's RealityKit Object Capture.
With AVFoundation's builtInLiDARDepthCamera, if I save photo.fileDataRepresentation to heic, it only has Exif and TIFF metadata. But, RealityKit's object capture's heic image has not only Exif and TIFF, but also has HEIC metadata including camera calibration data. What should I do for AVFoundation's exported image has same meta data?
Oct ’23
PhotogrammetrySession and PhotogrammetrySample
In WWDC 2021, It saids 'we also offer an interface for advanced workflows to provide a sequence of custom samples. A PhotogrammetrySample includes the image plus other optional data such as a depth map, gravity vector, or custom segmentation mask.' But in code, PhotogrammetrySession initialize with data saved directory. How can I give input of PhotogrammetrySamples to PhotogrammetrySession?
Jul ’23
Sample App crashed on iPad Pro (11-inch) (2nd-generation)
When I install and run the sample app Apple released just recently, everything works fine up until I try to start the capture. Bounding box sets up without a problem, but then every time, this error occurs: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[AVCapturePhotoOutput capturePhotoWithSettings:delegate:] You are not authorized to use custom shutter sounds' *** First throw call stack: (0x19d6e8300 0x195cd4f30 0x1b9bfdcb4 0x1cc4fbf98 0x1cc432964 0x19d6e8920 0x19d70552c 0x1cc4328f8 0x1cc4a8fac 0x19d6e8920 0x19d70552c 0x1cc4a8e44 0x23634923c 0x23637abfc 0x2362d21a4 0x2362d139c 0x236339874 0x23636dc04 0x1a67f9b74 0x1a68023ac 0x1a67fa964 0x1a67faa78 0x1a67fa5d0 0x1039c6b34 0x1039d80b4 0x1a6800188 0x1a67f94bc 0x1a67f9fd0 0x1a6800098 0x1a67f9504 0x23633777c 0x23637201c 0x2354d081c 0x2354c8658 0x1039c6b34 0x1039c9c20 0x1039e1078 0x1039dfacc 0x1039d6ebc 0x1039d6ba0 0x19d774e94 0x19d758594 0x19d75cda0 0x1df4c0224 0x19fbcd154 0x19fbccdb8 0x1a142f1a8 0x1a139df2c 0x1a1387c1c 0x102a5d944 0x102a5d9f4 0x1c030e4f8) libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type NSException I have no idea why this is happening, so any help would be appreciated. My iPad is running the latest iPadOS 17 Beta and the crash also occurs when I don't have it isn't connected to Xcode...
Jul ’23
Object Capture With only manual capturing
Is it possible to capture only manually (automatic off) on object capture api ? And can I proceed to capturing stage right a way? Only Object Capture API captures real scale object. Using AVFoundation or ARKit, I've tried using lidar capturing HEVC or create PhotogrammetrySample, It doesn't create real scale object. I think, during object capture api, it catches point cloud, intrinsic parameter, and it help mesh to be in real scale. Does anyone knows 'Object Capture With only manual capturing' or 'Capturing using AVFoundation for real scale mesh'
Sep ’23
Crash when using example from 'Meet Object Capture for iOS' WWDC2023
Hi. Each time when I am trying to capture object using example from session I have a crash. iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 17 beta 3. Xcode Version 15.0 beta 3 (15A5195k) Log: ObjectCaptureSession.: mobileSfM pose for the new camera shot is not consistent. <<<< PlayerRemoteXPC >>>> fpr_deferPostNotificationToNotificationQueue signalled err=-12 785 (kCMBaseObjectError_Invalidated) (item invalidated) at FigPlayer_RemoteXPC.m:829 Compiler failed with XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED Compiler failed with XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED Compiler failed with XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED MTLCompiler: Compilation failed with XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED on 3 try /Library/Caches/ failed assertion `MPSLibrary::MPSKey_Create internal error: Unable to get MPS kernel NDArrayMatrixMultiplyNNA14_EdgeCase. Error: Compiler encountered an internal error ' /Library/Caches/, line 485: error ''
Jul ’23
WWDC 23 Object Capture 2023
When running the code from the object capture event from WWDC 23 event I'm currently getting the error "dyld[607]: Symbol not found: _$s21DeveloperToolsSupport15PreviewRegistryPAAE7previewAA0D0VvgZ Referenced from: <411AA023-A110-33EA-B026-D0103BAE08B6> /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9E9526BF-C163-420D-B6E0-2DC9E02B3F7E/ Expected in: <0BD6AC59-17BF-3B07-8C7F-6D9D25E0F3AD> /System/Library/Frameworks/DeveloperToolsSupport.framework/DeveloperToolsSupport"
Jul ’23
AppDataModel is retained
Hi, In the scanning objects using object capture project, when the content view is dismissed the AppDataModel is always retained and the deinit is never called. @StateObject var appModel: AppDataModel = AppDataModel.instance I am presenting the contentView using a UIHostingController let hostingController = UIHostingController(rootView: ContentView()) hostingController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen present(hostingController, animated: true) I have tried to manually detach the listeners and setting the objectCaptureSession to nil. In the debug memory graph there is a coachingoverlay retaining the AppDataModel. I want to remove the appModel from memory when the contentView is dismissed. Any suggestions?
Jul ’23
Custom UI for ObjectCaptureView
Is it possible for me to customize the ObjectCaptureView? I'd like to have the turn-table that indicates whether the photo was captured with point cloud image to have different foreground color. So I want the white part under the point clouds to be some other color that I specify. Would it be possible by extending the ObjectCapturePointCloudView?
Jul ’23
Does anyone actually notice any improvements using the new ObjectCaptureSession with PhotogrammetrySession?
We have implemented all the recent additions Apple made for this on the iOS side for guided capture using Lidar and image data via ObjectCaptureSession. After the capture finishes we are sending our images to PhotogrammetrySession on macOS to reconstruct models in higher quality (Medium) than the Preview quality that is currently supported on iOS. We have now done a few side by side captures of using the new ObjectCapureSession vs using the traditional capture via the AvFoundation framework but have not seen any improvements that were claimed during the session that Apple hosted at WWDC. As a matter of fact we feel that the results are actually worse because the images obtained through the new ObjectCaptureSession aren't as high quality as the images we get from AvFoundation. Are we missing something here? Is PhotogrammetrySession on macOS not using this new additional Lidar data or have the improvements been overstated? From the documentation it is not clear at all how the new Lidar data gets stored and how that data transfers. We are using iOS 17 beta 4 and macOS Sonoma Beta 4 in our testing. Both codebases have been compiled using Xcode 15 Beta 5.
Jul ’23