Screen Time

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Share and manage web-usage data, and observe changes made to Screen Time settings by a parent or guardian.

Posts under Screen Time tag

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Device Activity Report Per hour Screen-time of apps for Graph
Hi everyone, I need to display a Graph based on Screen-time of apps per hour, from 12Am to 11PM. Am able to get the screen-time data for whole day with each app's total screen-time value. Am kind of confused how can I get the per hour screen-time of apps. I have applied filter of day DeviceActivityFilter( segment: .daily( during: Calendar.current.dateInterval( of: .day, for: .now )! ), users: .all, devices: .init([.iPhone, .iPad]) ) Am also using this data to display apps with their usage just like Apple's Screen_time in settings. I need to display exact same graph just like Apple's screen in phone settings for a Day.
Nov ’24
How to Share and Access Dynamically Updating Data Across Different Targets?
I have a app with two targets: a main DeviceActivityApp target and a DeviceReport target. In the DeviceReport target, I have a TotalActivityReport struct conforming to DeviceActivityReportScene. Inside its makeConfiguration method, I update a dynamically generated list of AppReport items. The list updates correctly in the DeviceReport target. // Define which context your scene will represent. let context: DeviceActivityReport.Context = .totalActivity // Define the custom configuration and the resulting view for this report. let content: (MonitorDeviceReport) -> TotalActivityViewFirst @ObservedObject var activityData:ActivityData func makeConfiguration(representing data: DeviceActivityResults<DeviceActivityData>) async -> MonitorDeviceReport { // Reformat the data into a configuration that can be used to create // the report's view. var appList:[AppsReport]=[] let totalActivityDuration = await data.flatMap { $0.activitySegments }.reduce(0, { $0 + $1.totalActivityDuration }) for await _data in data{ for await activity in _data.activitySegments{ for await category in activity.categories{ for await app in category.applications{ let name=app.application.localizedDisplayName ?? "No Name" let bundleId=app.application.bundleIdentifier ?? "nil" let duration=app.totalActivityDuration let appIcon=app.application.token let app=AppsReport(id:bundleId,duration:duration, name:name, icon:appIcon) appList.append(app) } } } } DispatchQueue.main.async { activityData.list=appList } return MonitorDeviceReport(duration:totalActivityDuration, apps:appList) } } public class ActivityData:ObservableObject{ @Published var list:[AppsReport]=[] public static let shared = ActivityData() }. // This is in MonitorReport target However, I need to access this dynamic list in my MyApp target, specifically in ContentView.swift. I tried using an ObservableObject (ActivityData) to share the data between targets, but the list always appears empty in the MyApp target. Here’s what I’ve tried so far: Created a shared ActivityData instance using @Published Passed the ActivityData instance to TotalActivityReport Used dependency injection and a singleton pattern for ActivityData Verified that makeConfiguration updates the list correctly in DeviceReport What could I be missing? How can I correctly share and access this data across targets?
Nov ’24
Device activity report data View is hidding when change the tab
I am working on the device activity report. and fetched data is loading on the chart. I am developing app using TabbarController. when I go to another tab and come back to the chart screen, it disappears. Here, I am working on a storyboard using Swift language, and device activity reports can be fetched only with SwiftUI. So, the problem is with it? Following the current code. @State private var context: DeviceActivityReport.Context = .init(rawValue: "Daily Activity") @State private var report: DeviceActivityReport? @State private var filter = DeviceActivityFilter( segment: .daily( during: Calendar.current.dateInterval( of: .day, for: .now )! ) // users: .all // devices: .init([.iPhone, .iPad]) ) @State var isReload: Bool = false var body: some View { ZStack { if isReload { LoadingView(title: "Data is loading...") } else if let report = report { report } else { DeviceActivityReport(context, filter: filter) } } .onAppear { DispatchQueue.main.async { report = DeviceActivityReport(context, filter: filter) } } } struct LoadingView: View { var title: String = "Please wait..." var body: some View { HStack { ProgressView(title) .font(.system(size: 14, weight: .medium)) .progressViewStyle(.horizontal) .tint(Color(.darkGray)) .padding(8) } .background(Color(.white)) .cornerRadius(8) .clipped() } }
Nov ’24
Premature DeviceActivityEvent Triggering
Our app monitors device usage and applies a shield when the set time limit is reached. Multiple DeviceActivitySchedules can be present, each with different time limits. To display notifications at 50% of the total limit for each DeviceActivitySchedule, we set a warning time at half of the total time. However, we occasionally receive premature event callbacks. For example, consider a schedule from 13:00 to 13:30 with a single event threshold at 10 minutes and a warning time of 5 minutes. The 'eventDidReachThreshold' callback is delivered prematurely, along with the 'eventWillReachThresholdWarning' callback, at 13:10. Additionally, in some cases, when one DeviceActivitySchedule ends and the next begins immediately, DeviceActivityEvents registered for the new DeviceActivitySchedule are delivered prematurely along with the schedule start callback. For example, consider there are two DeviceActivitySchedules from 12:00 to 13:00 and from 13:00 to 14:00, each with a limit of 10 minutes and a warning time of 5 minutes. When the first schedule ends and the next begins at 13:00, the 'eventDidReachThreshold' callbacks for the events registered in the second schedule are delivered prematurely, along with the 'intervalDidStart' callback.
Nov ’24
Family Controls Usage Data
Hi all, For context, the Family Controls entitlement request (for the Personal Device Management category/individual use case) includes the question: Will your app share device or usage data beyond the individual for the individual use case, or Family Sharing for the parent/guardian use case, including through means such as screenshots, screen recordings, or server logging? I'm looking for clarification on how to interpret this. I originally answered Yes and was rejected, then later answered No and was accepted. Ideally, I would like my screen time management app to allow users to opt-in to social features. One simple example is opting into a leaderboard with your friends for who has the lowest screen time. If the user installed this app for themself and chooses to share this basic data with their friends, it sounds like an ethical and unproblematic feature but I suppose storing that data would fall under "server logging"? If anyone has any experience with this, I would appreciate a more explicit description of the requirement above. Is what I described allowed? Thanks for reading!
Nov ’24
Screen Time passcode forgot passcode
When I upgraded to iOS 18 beta, I don’t recall setting a screen time passcode, however one is set. I am locked out from changing the passcode. I have clicked “forgot passcode” down at bottom but it doesn’t do anything. I am the only user on this phone. I am currently running iOS iOS 18.2 (22C5125e). Please advise, as screen time is locked and cannot be viewed nor change passcode
Nov ’24
How to force update data from child phone ? FamilyControls / Screen Time Api / DeviceActivity
The data displayed about a child’s apps can be outdated (DeviceActivityReport), leading to misinformation for the user. When I access the “Screen Time” section (for child in the parent device) in the iPhone settings, I see there is an update functionality to force load the actual data. I have tried various workarounds, such as attempting to force an update on the child’s device to call DeviceActivityReport and opening system settings, but none of these have been successful :( How can I implement something similar? Is there a way to force update this data ?
Nov ’24
iOS 18.1 Rc
I’ve updated to iOS 18.1 public beta when it released and I got the problem when I was in public beta 4 to rc and the problem never fixed with the time limit when I ask for more time it never give me more time it’s just says waiting for parent approval I have this problem until ios 18.1 RC can u fix it I’m on iPhone 11 pro max
Oct ’24
Device Activity Monitor
I'd like to block the apps selected in FamilyActivityPicker individually when a certain threshold is met. For example, let's say the threshold is 15 minutes, and I want to block both Photos and Freeform. If I spend 15 minutes on Photos, Photos should be blocked. Then, if I spend 15 minutes on Freeform, Freeform should also be blocked. Currently, only Photos gets blocked after 15 minutes, but Freeform does not. How can I fix this problem so that each app is blocked individually when its respective 15-minute threshold is met? Thank you in advance File 1 : class GlobalSelection { static let shared = GlobalSelection() var selection = FamilyActivitySelection() private init() {} } extension DeviceActivityName{ static let daily = Self("daily") } @objc(DeviceActivityMonitorModule) class DeviceActivityMonitorModule: NSObject { private let store = ManagedSettingsStore() @objc func startMonitoring(_ limitInMinutes: Int) { let schedule = DeviceActivitySchedule( intervalStart: DateComponents(hour: 0, minute: 0), intervalEnd: DateComponents(hour: 23, minute: 59), repeats: true ) let threshold = DateComponents(minute: limitInMinutes) var events: [DeviceActivityEvent.Name: DeviceActivityEvent] = [:] // Iterate over each selected application's token for token in GlobalSelection.shared.selection.applicationTokens { // Create a unique event name for each application let eventName = DeviceActivityEvent.Name("dailyLimitEvent_\(token)") // Create an event for this specific application let event = DeviceActivityEvent( applications: [token], // Single app token threshold: threshold ) // Add the event to the dictionary events[eventName] = event } // Register the monitor with the activity name and schedule do { try DeviceActivityCenter().startMonitoring(.daily, during: schedule, events: events) print("24/7 Monitoring started with time limit : \(limitInMinutes) m") } catch { print("Failed to start monitoring: \(error)") } } @objc static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool { return true } } FIle 2 : class DeviceActivityMonitorExtension: DeviceActivityMonitor { let store = ManagedSettingsStore() var blockedApps: Set<ApplicationToken> = [] func scheduleNotification(with title: String) { let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current() center.requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge]) { granted, error in if granted { let content = UNMutableNotificationContent() content.title = "Notification" // Using the custom title here content.body = title content.sound = UNNotificationSound.default let trigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger(timeInterval: 5, repeats: false) // 5 seconds from now let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: "MyNotification", content: content, trigger: trigger) center.add(request) { error in if let error = error { print("Error scheduling notification: \(error)") } } } else { print("Permission denied. \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "")") } } } // Function to retrieve selected apps func retrieveSelectedApps() -> FamilyActivitySelection? { if let sharedDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "") { // Retrieve the encoded data if let data = "selectedAppsTimeLimit") { // Decode the data back into FamilyActivitySelection let decoder = JSONDecoder() if let selection = try? decoder.decode(FamilyActivitySelection.self, from: data) { return selection } } } return nil // Return nil if there was an error } override func intervalDidStart(for activity: DeviceActivityName){ super.intervalDidStart(for: activity) scheduleNotification(with: "Interval did start") scheduleNotification(with: "\(retrieveSelectedApps())") } override func intervalDidEnd(for activity: DeviceActivityName) { super.intervalDidEnd(for: activity) } override func eventDidReachThreshold(_ event: DeviceActivityEvent.Name, activity: DeviceActivityName) { super.eventDidReachThreshold(event, activity: activity) // Notify that the threshold is met scheduleNotification(with: "Threshold met") // Retrieve the selected apps if let selectedApps = retrieveSelectedApps() { // Extract the app token identifier from the event name let appTokenIdentifier = event.rawValue.replacingOccurrences(of: "dailyLimitEvent_", with: "") // Iterate over the selected application tokens for appToken in selectedApps.applicationTokens { // Convert the app token to a string representation (or use its debugDescription) let tokenString = "\(appToken)" // Check if the app token matches the token identifier in the event name if tokenString == appTokenIdentifier { blockedApps.insert(appToken) // Block only the app associated with this event store.shield.applications = blockedApps scheduleNotification(with: "store.shield.applications = blockedApps is reached") break } } } else { scheduleNotification(with: "No stored data for selectedAppsTimeLimit") } } override func intervalWillStartWarning(for activity: DeviceActivityName) { super.intervalWillStartWarning(for: activity) // Handle the warning before the interval starts. } override func intervalWillEndWarning(for activity: DeviceActivityName) { super.intervalWillEndWarning(for: activity) // Handle the warning before the interval ends. } override func eventWillReachThresholdWarning(_ event: DeviceActivityEvent.Name, activity: DeviceActivityName) { super.eventWillReachThresholdWarning(event, activity: activity) // Handle the warning before the event reaches its threshold. } }
Oct ’24
Screen Time API - Device Activity Report
I need some assistance with the Screen Time API’s DeviceActivityReport extension. I know the extension is sandboxed but I need the data inside my app. Jomo is currently doing this so it’s not impossible. I see they’re saying it’s an estimate which is about 5 - 10 off of the actual screen time, but how are they doing this? Any attempt to store the screen time data inside some sort of database or UserDefaults always fails of course due to the sandbox. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Oct ’24
Difficulty blocking and scheduling with the Screen Time API
Hello, I'm currently facing some technical difficulties in implementing features related to application restrictions using the ScreenTime API. In our app, we allow users to set up restrictions for specific apps and app categories, with scheduled times and days (for example, Mondays and Thursdays, from 2pm to 5pm). The blocking sessions must run independently and simultaneously, allowing different sets of applications to be restricted at different times. However, I ran into two main problems: 1. Applying restrictions in the DeviceActivityMonitor extension: Although I can enable and disable restrictions, I haven't found an effective way to apply multiple FamilyActivitySelections directly in the DeviceActivityMonitor extension. The extension has to manage different blocking sessions independently, restricting different sets of applications and categories simultaneously or separately. I would like to know if it is possible to transmit this list of selected applications via UserDefaults or CoreData to the extension in order to facilitate this integra To better illustrate, here is a snippet of the code I am using: import Foundation import FamilyControls import ManagedSettings import DeviceActivity class AppBlockManager: ObservableObject { private let store = ManagedSettingsStore() private let center = DeviceActivityCenter() @Published var activitySelection: FamilyActivitySelection private var activityName: DeviceActivityName private var schedule: DeviceActivitySchedule init(selection: FamilyActivitySelection, activityName: DeviceActivityName, schedule: DeviceActivitySchedule) { self.activitySelection = selection self.activityName = activityName self.schedule = schedule } func startBlock() { do { try center.startMonitoring(activityName, during: schedule) if let applications = activitySelection.applications.isEmpty ? nil : activitySelection.applicationTokens { store.shield.applications = applications } if let categories = activitySelection.categories.isEmpty ? nil : activitySelection.categoryTokens { store.shield.applicationCategories = ShieldSettings .ActivityCategoryPolicy .specific(categories) store.shield.webDomainCategories = ShieldSettings .ActivityCategoryPolicy .specific(categories) } if let webDomains = activitySelection.webDomains.isEmpty ? nil : activitySelection.webDomainTokens { store.shield.webDomains = webDomains } } catch { print("Error starting monitoring: \(error)") } } func stopBlock() { store.shield.applications = nil store.shield.webDomains = nil store.shield.applicationCategories = nil store.shield.webDomainCategories = nil center.stopMonitoring([activityName]) } } Currently, this AppBlockManager is part of the main app target, not within the DeviceActivityMonitor extension, which is currently empty. With this configuration, I can only have one blocking session active at a time, and when it is deactivated, all restrictions are removed. I tried using different ManagedSettingsStore instances, each named individually, but without success. 2. Problems with scheduling restrictions: Currently, when setting up scheduled monitoring via DeviceActivitySchedule, the restrictions are activated immediately, ignoring the specific times scheduled (e.g. starting at 2pm and ending at 5pm). I need the schedule to work correctly, applying the restrictions only during the defined periods. Alternatively, I've considered running a background task that checks whether active sessions (up to a maximum of 3) should apply the restrictions at that time, but I'm still looking for a more suitable solution. In view of these challenges, I would like some guidance on the following points: What would be the best way to configure the DeviceActivityMonitor extension to receive and apply different FamilyActivitySelections, ensuring that the blocking sessions are independent and can run simultaneously? Is there a recommended approach to ensure that restrictions scheduled via DeviceActivitySchedule are applied and removed according to the times and days defined by the user, ensuring that applications are restricted only during the scheduled periods?
Oct ’24
ActivityCategoryPolicy.all(except: allowList) blocks all apps, even the ones that should be exempted
Hello fellow Screen Time developers! I have bee experimenting with the ActivityCategoryPolicy.all(except: allowList) API of the ManagedSettings framework in order to provide a digital detox feature to my app, where ALL apps would be blocked, except some important ones (phone, messages, maps). The apps to be exempted can be configured by the user via the FamilyActivitySelection(). However, I am experiencing a strange bug, where all apps are restricted / blocked, even the ones that are set to be exempted and are part of the allowList Set. Instead of not restricting allowed apps at all, these apps are restricted with a generic shield (screenshot below) – a concrete shield is not requested for them from my ShieldConfigurationDataSource. I have also filed a radar under this number, attached is a minimalistic sample project and video that shows how to reproduce this: FB15500605 (no response so far) I have also seen other people report on this issue, but couldn't find any useful information there: Thanks a lot for your help, and have a nice day!
Nov ’24
How to open parent app from `ShieldActionDelegate`
Hello, I think it is quite a common use-case to open the parent app that owns the ShieldActionDelegate when the user selects an action in the Shield. There are only three options available that we can do in response to an action: ShieldActionResponse.none ShieldActionResponse.close ShieldActionResponse.defer It would be great if this new one would be added as well: ShieldActionResponse.openParentApp While finding a workaround for now, the problem is that the ShieldActionDelegate is not a normal app extension. That means, normal tricks do not work to open the parent app from here. For example, does not work because we can’t access UIApplication from the ShieldActionDelegate unfortunately. NSExtensionContext is also not available in the ShieldActionDelegate unfortunately, so that’s also not possible. There are apps however, that managed to find a workaround, in my research I stumbled across these two: Please find a screen recording (gif) attached. Their workaround is 100% what I’m looking for, so there MUST be a way to do so that is compliant with the App Store guidelines (after all, the apps are available on the App Store!). I had documented my feature request more than 2 years ago in this radar as well: FB10393561
Oct ’24
iPhone screen time counting when iPhone switched off
Hello I updated my iPhone 13 to iOS 18 a few days ago and the last two nights, it indicated that my screen was on whilst I had actually switched my phone off for the night. Last night I made sure to close all apps before I switched it off but Screen Time still says that my screen was on. Is there a way to fix this so as to have screen time that actually corresponds to my screen time? I’ve seen other users experiencing the same problem but haven’t found a solution. Thanks!
Oct ’24
ShieldConfiguration does not update when token is moved from one store to another (while app in foreground)
Hello fellow Screen Time Fans! I am encountering a strange problem since I started working with the Screen Time framework, and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong: Imagine the app has two ManagedSettingsStores: one to block apps during work hours (let’s say from 9am to 5pm) and one to block apps in the evening (let’s say from 5:30pm till midnight). Imagine, the user has blocked Instagram in both. When the user has Instagram open at 4:59pm it shows the Block during Work Hours Shield (so far, so good). At 5pm, the shield is removed, and the user can use Instagram. Then, at 5:30 the a shield is activated again: this time, the Instagram token is added to the evening store. However, there is no new ShieldConfiguration requested from the ShieldConfigurationDataSource. Instead, the previous shield from the work hour block is re-used and shown. To me, it appears that the Framework does not request new shields, when the token is moved from one store to another while the app remains in foreground. The Shield is only re-rendered when the user closes the shielded app and re-opens it. This is really confusing behavior and I would like to fix it. Did anyone here encounter something similar, and has a suggestion or workaround? My feedback is also documented in FB14237883.
Oct ’24