FamilyActivityPicker Crashing / Freezing

Our users report frequent crashes with the FamilyActivityPicker. Since this is a screen controlled by Apple, I'm assuming that there's nothing I can do to prevent these crashes.

I'm wondering, though, if there's any way to gracefully handle these crashes? When this happens, the following is printed to the console:

[] Connection to plugin invalidated while in use.

Does anyone know how to handle/catch this error?

Not sure what your users are experiencing, but there's a bug indeed, that is causing the ActivityPickerViewController to go blank when pressing an app category drop-down, or even when scrolling up and down between the listed apps while some categories are open.

While I'm curious about the standpoint of the Screen Time squad - the issue has been around for months or even for a few years already -, I'm also wondering if there's any way to catch the event and handle it in a user-friendly way.

We're seeing the same issues in our app. They have been around for a while now and it seems they are getting even more frequent on recent iOS 17 versions. We have users contacting us because they can't open any category or search anything without the FamilyActivityPicker crashing.

We've filed a bug report (FB12270644) about this. It'd be really great if you could do the same. Make sure to reproduce the issue and start a sysdiagnose right after. Then add the diagnostics file to your report.

FamilyActivityPicker Crashing / Freezing