My query might return 20,000 coordinates.
Does MapKit JS try to load all the coordinates at once into the map or does it only load what’s in the viewport of the map if we were to load 20,000 annotations into the say something like “landmark data” const?
We have 900,000 coordinates to load into Los Angeles and are planning how we will do this. Obviously we can’t load 900,000 coordinates at once without performance issues, but some query’s return 20,000 results.
Can someone point me to some information about large datasets and MapKit js or let me know if it’s handled and already built in to not try to load that many locations at once?
MapKit JS
RSS for tagEmbed interactive Apple maps on your website, annotate points of interest, and perform geo-related searches using MapKit JS.
Posts under MapKit JS tag
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I own a website ( that uses the apple mapkit js api. I have had a number of reports in the last few weeks of users having the map not loading.
Since I have not been able to recreate the problem I have asked people to send screenshots of what is logged to their developer tools console. In each case a ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR 200 (OK) error is being logged when the user is trying to fetch from endpoints.
What is strange is this happens halfway through their games when they have already successfully loaded the map in previous rounds.
Can anyone help? Thanks
const lookup = new mapkit.PlaceLookup()
lookup.getPlace(input?.id, (error, place) => {
console.log("place", place)
gives me for example
"id": "I65A54A72CE9E45D6",
"alternateIds": [
"muid": "7324342225941186006",
"_styleAttributes": "4:226,6:16,10:0,82:12,85:12,89:1,164:1,193:1",
"name": "The Museum of Modern Art",
"region": {
"center": {
"latitude": 40.7612829,
"longitude": -73.9768677
"span": {
"latitudeDelta": 0.008983199999995861,
"longitudeDelta": 0.01186000000001286
"coordinate": {
"latitude": 40.7617238,
"longitude": -73.9777654
"formattedAddress": "11 W 53rd St, New York, NY 10019, United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"telephone": "+12127089400",
"urls": [
"country": "United States",
"administrativeArea": "New York",
"administrativeAreaCode": "NY",
"locality": "New York",
"postCode": "10019",
"subLocality": "Manhattan",
"thoroughfare": "W 53rd St",
"subThoroughfare": "11",
"fullThoroughfare": "11 W 53rd St",
"areasOfInterest": [
"dependentLocalities": [
"Midtown Center",
"Midtown East",
"Midtown Manhattan",
"North Hudson"
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"timezoneSecondsFromGmt": -14400
Note there is no pointOfInterestCategory. but
const place_search = new mapkit.Search()
(error, result) => {
console.log("result_places_0", result?.places?.[0])
i get
"id": "I65A54A72CE9E45D6",
"alternateIds": [
"muid": "7324342225941186006",
"_wpURL": ",%20New%20York,%20NY%20%2010019,%20United%20States&ll=40.7617238,-73.9777654",
"_styleAttributes": "4:226,6:16,10:0,82:12,85:12,89:1,164:1,193:1",
"pointOfInterestCategory": "Museum",
"name": "The Museum of Modern Art",
"region": {
"center": {
"latitude": 40.7612829,
"longitude": -73.9768677
"span": {
"latitudeDelta": 0.008983199999995861,
"longitudeDelta": 0.01186000000001286
"coordinate": {
"latitude": 40.7617238,
"longitude": -73.9777654
"formattedAddress": "11 W 53rd St, New York, NY 10019, United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"telephone": "+12127089400",
"urls": [
"country": "United States",
"administrativeArea": "New York",
"administrativeAreaCode": "NY",
"locality": "New York",
"postCode": "10019",
"subLocality": "Manhattan",
"thoroughfare": "W 53rd St",
"subThoroughfare": "11",
"fullThoroughfare": "11 W 53rd St",
"areasOfInterest": [
"dependentLocalities": [
"Midtown Center",
"Midtown East",
"Midtown Manhattan",
"North Hudson"
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"timezoneSecondsFromGmt": -14400
which gives me "pointOfInterestCategory": "Museum"
I think pointOfInterestCategory should also be returned in the placeLookup and might be a mapkit error that its not
it would also be cool if search autocomplete gave me the poi so i could tag the search result previews (mapbox does this).
Unrelated from this topic but coming from mapbox where everything had a mapbox_id i feel like some things like localities like "columbus, Ohio" should still have a place id but maybe the muid serves that purpose idk and just something i should account for.
Lastly on my mind is how to manage rate limiting since im just giving the same mapbox js token to all the clients. Of course for server api I can manage my own system for rate limiting logged in users a bit easier but not sure about mapkit js though I can only dream my project is big enough i need to even worry about that lol.
There are some countries, with political conflicts on borders, does MapKit JS support displaying the map depending on the point of view of the region ?
if yes, how technically is done (like adding an attribute region on request params or something else) ?
As you stated that "MapKit JS provides a free daily limit of 250,000 map views and 25,000 service calls per Apple Developer Program membership." , I have two questions :
are user interactions (zooming, panning, and switching theme) included in the billed map views ?
is this limits similar for the enterprise account ? if not, please give us more details.
Edit: The issue was resolved. It's back up.
I was streaming the new MapKit Places video, and it suddenly stopped. It's now missing from the Developer app and website. Is this intentional?
I'm using MapKit JS to plot markers on a Map - so far so good. I've noticed that it doesn't always show the Suburb name for the location of the marker . Here's an example:
The marker is located in Hornsby which isn't showing on the map. If I move the market to an adjacent suburb Wahroonga I get the following:
Now Wahroonga isn't showing but Hornsby is showing. I'm trying to find if there's a control that determines when the suburb for the marker is shown or not but haven't been able to find anything so far.
I would also like to know if I can control the visibility of suburb names at different zoom levels. If you look at this map you can see the names of various suburbs (Bondi, Bondi Beach, North Bondi etc):
but when I zoom in one level these all disappear and I cannot easily locate which suburb the market is in:
Is there a way to always show the suburb names so users can easily locate themselves on the map in reference to the suburbs that they might not be familiar with?
I have generated a key for MapKit and it gave me a private key (p8), a Key ID and a MapKit JS key.
I am trying to use MapKit in Delphi TMS FNC Maps but it does not seem to render the maps. The same code works with Google Map Key, but not Apple MapKit.
I was told to use the MapKit JS key in TMS by the vendor, but neither the Key ID or the MapKit JS key worked.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Dear Community,
After logging into my Developer Account, I am unable to access MapKit JS link under Additional resources. Each time I try to access or specifically the browser returns 403 forbidden error.
I have tried to use different browser an device and I get the same error.
My MapKit JS Authorization token has expired and I need to reissue fresh token ASAP.
Kindly advice.
Swapneel Shah
'init(coordinateRegion:interactionModes:showsUserLocation:userTrackingMode:)' was deprecated in iOS 17.0: Use Map initializers that take a MapContentBuilder instead.
struct EmMapView: View {
@State private var region = MKCoordinateRegion(
center: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.7749, longitude: -122.4194),
span: MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.1, longitudeDelta: 0.1)
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Map(coordinateRegion: .constant(region), interactionModes: .all, showsUserLocation: false, userTrackingMode: .none)
We're recently requested a Mapkit JS / Mapkit Server api limit increase request and are waiting to hear back before we push an important update to our app which switches to mapkit via server apis.
We don't often go over the 25k daily limit, but there can be spikes where the app goes very viral and we'll need well over 25k – likely above 50k based on historic usage.
I was wondering if there's any way to expedite our limit request? Or how do we get notified if our limit has been approved, is there any way to check?
Would using one of our Code-level support requests (TSIs) be a good idea here?
Hello there,
Mainland china user(s) have trouble accessing MapKitJS, keeps returning HTTP 401 unauthorized for
The same valid JWT perfectly works for users rest of the world.
May i know is there any special handling needed for accessing mapkitJS on web from mainland china compared to rest of the world.
Advises are highly appreciated.