




Comment on Who can provide sample code written in Swift language for drawing multiple custom paths
I would like to ask if there is a class similar to GeneralPath class of Java in Swift language, and if there are methods similar to g2.draw (shape) and g2.fill (shape) of Java(because I don't have a deep understanding of Swift). I think using classes and methods like Java should be easier, but using a for loop would require more code and should not be complicated. Therefore, I would like to see an example for reference,Perhaps I can find a better way.
Comment on Who can provide sample code written in Swift language for drawing multiple custom paths
I am using the SwiftUI framework to draw multiple 2D polygons using a 3D float array of points. Each 2D array represents a polygon and contains an x-coordinate array and a y-coordinate array (you know that the Swift array corresponds to Kotlin's list). It is best to use a double for loop to implement this. I would like to find some examples for reference. Can you provide some code or tell me where to find these codes online? I hope to receive your guidance. Thank you!
Comment on Why is there a problem passing parameters from Swift to the shared Kotlin class when developing iOS applications using Kotlin Multiplayer Development in Android Studio
Can you provide a link? I really hope to receive guidance in this regard. However, I have found a solution to this problem, which is to add the name of the parameter corresponding to the kotlin function being called and ":" before the parameter when passing it, which is "data_in:" in this case. But if you can provide the link, I can also seek help when I encounter other problems. Thank you!