




Building for Simulator works in Xcode 12 beta but not with xcodebuild
Hi there, folks! I’m running into an issue migrating an app from Xcode 11.3.1 to Xcode 12 beta 6. I can build and run the app on Simulator using Xcode but if I try to create a Simulator archive using xcodebuild it fails with messages something like ld: in [path]/Pods/Crashlytics/iOS/Crashlytics.framework/Crashlytics(CLSInternalReport.o), building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file ([path]/Pods/Crashlytics/iOS/Crashlytics.framework/Crashlytics(CLSInternalReport.o)) built for iOS, file '[path]/Pods/Crashlytics/iOS/Crashlytics.framework/Crashlytics' for architecture arm64 Some things I’ve tried: Confirmed that xcodebuild is using the Xcode 12 beta toolchain (xcode-select -p == /Applications/ Update CocoaPods to 1.10.0.beta.2, their first release with Xcode 12 support Force the IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET of all pods to iOS 13, our base supported SDK Force ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH to YES for all pods Set ARCHS to $(ARCHS_STANDARD) for all pods Set EXCLUDED_ARCHS to arm64 for all pods and the app project Searched these dev forums for similar arm64 errors The xcodebuild command I’m using looks something like this: xcodebuild -workspace "App.xcworkspace" -scheme "SomeScheme" -configuration "Debug" -sdk "iphonesimulator" -destination "generic/platform=iOS Simulator" SYMROOT=./builds clean build Any ideas? I can’t seem to find the build plan that Xcode uses. I wonder if there’s some kind of environment variable being set when Xcode builds that I’m missing in my hand-typed command.
Sep ’20
Changing data protection capability with Connect API
Hi there!I’m working on a task that would require configuring new apps in the developer portal as well as App Store Connect.The issue I’m seeing is that the data protection capability in the dev portal isn’t being set successfully. Other capabilities (SiriKit, push notifications, etc.) are configured as expected. However, data protection is not enabled and not set to the complete protection level.Initially, I tried using Fastlane but `enable_services` and `modify_services` silently fail.Then, by way of Fastlane’s Spaceship to manage sessions, I tried Connect API but I have not yet been able to get a successful response. We have other scripts that successfully leverage Connect API so it’s not our session or process I’m too worried about. I just can’t seem to find the right format for the JSON body to get anything but a 500 error with generic response.I’ve been over the Connect documentation a bunch of times ( but I still have had no luck.The endpoint I’m targeting is:’s an example JSON body:{ "data": { "type": "bundleIdCapabilities", "attributes": { "capabilityType": "DATA_PROTECTION", "settings": [{ "key": "DATA_PROTECTION_PERMISSION_LEVEL", "options": [{ "key": "COMPLETE_PROTECTION", "enabled": true }] }] }, "relationships": { "bundleId": { "data": { "id": "[some valid bundle ID]", "type": "bundleIds" } } } }}Does anyone have any ideas what I’m doing wrong? Any suggestions on alternative ways to change this configuration via a script?Thanks,-adam
Oct ’19