




App Network Extension on mac?
Why does my app network extension prompt me not SystemExtensions when it starts? My APP used to be APP Network Extension and it works normally. Later, I transformed APP Network Extension into system Network Extension, but it didn't work. Now, I want to change the system Network Extension to the original APP Network Extension, but when I start the APP, a prompt box "filter network content" will always pop up, and the log shows "does not have a SystemExtensions directory". My entitlements have removed the system extension configuration. I changed a bundle id with the same result. Why is this so? What configuration needs to be deleted on mac? Current bundle (/Users/30san/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/OneNet-fajxfoupwshhplamczdiggjeitko/Build/Products/Debug/ does not have a SystemExtensions directory
Aug ’20
Developer ID singed NetworkExtension App.
Hi,I use a NetworkExtension(packet-tunnel) and its container app to implement VPN on macOS. It's works well in my develop computer. But when I use Developer ID certification to ship this container app, the container app can be opened normally but the extension runs failed. There are some errors in system console logs.neagent Rejecting app extension provider com.westone.secPortalmac.tunnel because it is signed with a Developer ID certificatenesessionmanager NEVPNTunnelPlugin(com.westone.secPortalmac[67446]): Validation of the extension failedI have followed eskimo's instruction in to set system extension, but I have received the same errors.Anyone can help me or give me some information?Thanks.
May ’20
How to keep my VPN alive?
Hi, I use NEPacketTunnelProvider to create a always-on VPN tunnel in my AppExtension. In my case, the device need to send a heartbeat packet to the VPN server in order to keep tunnel alive. But sometimes the device will be kick-off by the server, beacause it can't connect to VPN server. My question is:Is there some way or mesure to reconnect the VPN server?I notice there are wake() and sleep() two methodes in NEPacketTunnelProvider, do they work in my case? What are they use for?
Mar ’20
How to determine use which virtual IP through NEIPv4Route?
When I create NEIPv4Settings, I add two IPs. And I set serveral NEIPv4Route in includedRoutes.My question is how can I choose use which virtual ip as my source destination in my packet.The source destination in my packet always is the first IP in NEIPv4Settins's addresses array.NEIPv4Settings *ipv4Settings = [[NEIPv4Settings alloc] initWithAddresses:@[@"", @""] subnetMasks:@[@"", @""]]; NEIPv4Route *route = [NEIPv4Route defaultRoute]; route.gatewayAddress = @""; ipv4Setting.incluedRoutes = @[route]; networkSettings.IPv4Settings = ipv4Settings;
Feb ’20