




Reply to Australia App Store Distribution
Yes, there are a few things you need to do to get your app posted in the Australia App Store. You need to have an Apple Developer account that is enabled for distributing apps in Australia. You need to select Australia as a target country in App Store Connect when you submit your app for review. You need to make sure that your app complies with all of Apple's App Store Review Guidelines, including the Australia-specific requirements. If you have already done all of these things, and your app is still not showing up in the Australia App Store, then you can contact Apple Support for help. Here are some additional things to check: Make sure that you have uploaded the correct build of your app to App Store Connect. Make sure that your app's metadata (title, description, screenshots, etc.) is localized for Australia. Make sure that your app's price is set correctly for Australia. If you have checked all of these things and your app is still not showing up in the Australia App Store, then it may be taking some time for Apple to review your app. In this case, you can just wait a few days and then check again. Here are the steps on how to select countries to be released in the App Store: Go to App Store Connect. Click on the app that you want to distribute in Australia. Click on the "App Information" tab. Scroll down to the "Availability" section. Select "Australia" from the list of countries. Click on the "Save" button. Once you have selected Australia as a target country, your app will be reviewed by Apple. If your app is approved, it will be available in the Australia App Store within a few days. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Jul ’23