It's 5 years later and I'm having the same problem. Maybe because the way the pricing works is all changing? I dunno, but the timing is super bad as I was about to do a free give away promotion with a big website. Ugh. I tried to figure out iTMSTransporter, but wow, not a lot of super easy tutorials for that huh? I got pretty far with it but wasn't able to change the price of my IAP with it.
I don’t think there’s any way to confirm what form(s) Funding Choices has loaded or shown. It seems like a black box. I believe it loads and shows forms without informing the app any details about the specifics. Your idea sounds great if there was a way for the app to know what’s been presented to the user. So far I’m shipping my games where the Privacy Settings button is available to all users. It’s kind of a weird experience for non-EEA users since it doesn’t really do anything. I think it minimizes the chances that I’ll get in trouble with the GDPR laws and maybe most users don’t bother to scroll to the bottom of a Settings screen. :/