I think it's TestFlight. @eskimo
TestFlight downloaded the version and installed it automaticlly. so somehow append some hash string to identify different versions.
Yeah, it's electron. But I don't know where the hash string in bundle id coming from.
I checked the contents of pkg file uploaded, everything seems correct. And inside PackageInfo:
<bundle path="./flashpixel.app" id="com.webinfra.flashpixel" CFBundleShortVersionString="1.3.25" CFBundleVersion="1.3.25"/> <bundle-version> <bundle id="com.webinfra.flashpixel"/> </bundle-version>
Yes, it's an electron app.
I don't know how the name string generated, cause I cannot find anywhere in my bundle artifact, including info.plist.
Any idea?
And another question, is my workflow correct? Or all of these steps are necessary?
Sign app with cert: Developer ID Application
Notarize app
Sign app with cert: 3rd Party Mac Developer Application
productbuild with cert: 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer, and get .pkg artifact
Notarize .pkg installer and upload