




MapKit PointsOfInterest get different public transport lines
Hi, I am using MapKit to find all the public transport stops around me, using a MKLocalPointsOfInterestRequest and the pointOfInterestFilter. I wonder if it is possible to retrieve the different public transports lines stopping at these stops from MapKit as well? In Apple Maps this information is visible to the users if you select a stop, so I would assume the information is somewhere there. Does anyone has some ideas how I could retrieve this kind of information? Thanks!
Dec ’22
Confidence of Vision different from CoreML output
Hi, I have a custom object detection CoreML model and I notice something strange when using the model with the Vision framework. I have tried two different approaches as to how to process an image and do inference on the CoreML model. The first one is using the CoreML "raw": initialising the model, getting the input image ready and using the model's .prediction() function to get the models output. The second one is using Vision to wrap the CoreML model in a VNCoreMLModel, creating a VNCoreMLRequest and using the VNImageRequestHandler to actually perform the model inference. The result of the VNCoreMLRequest is of type VNRecognizedObjectObservation. The issue I now face is in the difference in the output of both methods. The first method gives back the raw output of the CoreML model: confidence and coordinates. The confidence is an array with size equal to the number of classes in my model (3 in my case). The second method gives back the boundingBox, confidence and labels. However here the confidence is only the confidence for the most likely class (so size is equal to 1). But the confidence I get from the second approach is quite different from the confidence I get during the first approach. I can use either one of the approaches in my application. However, I really want to find out what is going on and understand how this difference occurred. Thanks!
Aug ’22