Anyone ever figure this out?
Same here. Followed the README steps for the FlightPlanner app sample code, waited a few hours, tested, failed with invalidJWTResponse error. That was 8 hours ago, still getting the same error.
I guess the "good" news is that a comment in the source code explained the workaround for other broken sample code Apple has on their site :/
Someone stated during the WWDC 23 discussions that offline maps were not available to us and suggested filing a feature request.
SwiftUI's ArtworkImage loads the artworks much quicker and without the errors
Does it? I haven’t touched MusicKit in Xcode 15 beta 5 but my MusicKit app targets iOS 16 and uses SwiftUI only. In previous Xcode 15 betas, I saw all of the same errors you mention above.
when I stopped working yesterday, I was at the same point.
I removed the predicate and no longer had infinite updates due to “@depdencies changed.” (printed to the console via let _ = Self._printChanges() in the View’s body. That means the query is wrong but there is no data in the db yet in my case so it’s an empty result regardless.
I haven’t been able to get back to that project yet today.
I had this issue yesterday (and have not solved it yet). I think it may be the same issue as this:
When you pair with the peripheral, you should be able to save the peripheral info and use it to connect later.
The bluetooth device UUID is not the MAC address, it is a random UUID generated as unique on each phone/app. So if you're looking at the UUID on 2 different phones, you should expect the UUID to be different.
I would check the colorspace, size, etc.
Maybe export a jpg version and see if the jpg works, just to narrow it down.
Is the second letter in the file name a lowercase "L" or an uppercase "i"?
Adding multiple items to the top of the scrollview works as expected in my real world use and in your code above (unless I tap the "Prepend" button multiple times, which causes multiple items with the same identity "New Data 1" to be added to the array, which causes scrolling issues, as expected).
Apple: "The best place to ask us coding questions is the Developer Forums."
Also Apple:
Most iOS app can be installed on iPad.Unless you have app requirements that prevent the app from running on iPad, you can't stop anyone from installing and running it on their iPad. They run at a weird size and generally look "wrong" but better than not running at all, usually.
I've heard but never confirmed that App Store reviewers use iPad to review iOS apps.
If your iOS app was rejected for not being compatible with iPad, it may be because
it crashes on iPad when tested
the layout is strange enough on iPad to make it unusable (missing important button, things overlapping to become unusual, etc?)
If you can test your app in the simulator, test it on an iPad simulator.
On smaller phones, NavigationSplitView is collapsed into a stack, showing one view at a time.
@eceeb You mean like this?
For me its "Symbol not found: _$s9SwiftData14ModelContainerC3for_AcA010PersistentC0_pXp_AA0C13ConfigurationVdtKcfC"