I'm not sure how adding an email address field changes the fact that you allow users to enter a code to unlock content or functionality?
Are there any apps you know of that do what you want to do? If not and if Apple says you can't do it, you will most likely need to change your requirements for this. If using App Store Connect code functionality doesn't work, you probably need to move the code redemption to your web site (like Marvel at https://marvel.com/redeem/ ).
You'll want to use response.routes.first
I haven't seen this. Can you post a small code sample that demonstrates the problem?
Personal Voice is not available on iPhone 11.
iPhone 12 or newer and iOS 17 are required.
After you complete the Personal Voice phrase recordings, that voice should be an available voice in apps that use AVSpeechUtterance. I can't test that at the moment, my app with AVSpeech also has SwiftData so the app won't run at all in the current iOS beta.
If you are running iOS 17 beta 6 on the device, your app will not work if you use SwiftData because SwiftData was updated in iOS 17 beta 6 to a version that is incompatible with the version of SwiftData in Xcode 15 beta 6 and iOS 17 beta 5. If you need to continue working on that app while we all wait for Apple to release a new Xcode and/or iOS beta to fix this problem, you should use the iOS simulator in Xcode instead of a real device, unfortunately.
Build and debug the app via wifi. Do not connect the iPad or iPhone to your Mac, plug it into the MOTU only.
If it works in the Xcode 15 beta 6 iOS simulator (which is iOS 17 beta 5) but not on your iOS 17 beta 6 device, it is probably due to changes in TipKit in iOS 17 beta 6 that are incompatible with the code compiled by Xcode 15 beta 6. This is the case for SwiftData but I don't have any TipKit apps so I don't know if this is the case for TipKit.
This may work, moving the SavingMovieModel(movie: movie) call outside of the main queue dispatch.
if let newRecord = newRecord {
if let movie = Movie.fromRecord(newRecord) {
let savingMovieModel = SavingMovieModel(movie: movie)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
On your iPhone 12 or newer, running iOS 17, go to Settings then Accessibility.
The 4th header is SPEECH. Under the SPEECH header, there is Personal Voice. Select "Personal Voice".
On the Personal Voice screen, there is a button for "Create a Personal Voice". When you select that, you will be given instructions.
You give the personal voice a name (the default be something like "Paulo's Personal Voice 1") then it does a check to make sure the conditions are okay. If it's too loud in the current environment, it will probably mess up the recording.
When I turned on Voice Over to test this just now on iOS 17 beta 6, the Voice Over instructions were read from my phone's ear speaker so it would work like a phone call: Voice Over reads the instructions and you response like a phone call but my face hit the screen so that messed up the Voice Over selection. I think it would require AirPods or other headset with a microphone so you could control voiceover while hearing instructions and speaking as needed. I don't have any handy so I can't test it with headphones.
You have to read 150 phrases. You can stop at any time and continue later. After you repeat a phrase back, it will automatically move to the next phrase after a second or so.
I hope this helps. I can test further if you have any questions.
I assume this is a bug but just in case you want a hacky hack to make it look better...
add a material background to the safeAreaInset and add a inset to the bottom with something to take up the space and add a material background to it.
.safeAreaInset(edge: .top, content: {
ScrollView(.horizontal) {
HStack {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
.frame(height: 44)
.navigationTitle("Tab 1")
.safeAreaInset(edge: .bottom, content: {
GeometryReader { _ in
.frame(height: 0)
.navigationTitle("Tab 1")
The line where you indicate the error message has a period after "in", is that period in the code?
newRecord, error in.
Good timing, @stevenhoward
I got an email from Apple approximately 75 minutes ago announcing "New Apple Vision Pro developer lab dates are now available."
@Frameworks Engineer
You can disable the next and previous buttons, even outside of livestreaming mode, to cause them to render as disabled as in your screenshot above.
How do you disable the next and previous buttons?
SwiftData seems to be broken in iOS 17b6. My SwiftData app no longer opens, it crashes on launch with a SwiftData-related "Symbol not found" error.
The reason it works in the simulator is the simulator is still iOS 17b5, so the code is compatible.
I was really hoping there would be a new Xcode (or new iOS) beta today to fix these issues.
For me its "Symbol not found: _$s9SwiftData14ModelContainerC3for_AcA010PersistentC0_pXp_AA0C13ConfigurationVdtKcfC"