




Does the videoDeviceNotAvailableWithMultipleForegroundApps Interruption Occur on iPhones?
Hello, I am developing a service using capture sessions. I have a question concerning something curious I've noticed. Occasionally, I've been informed that the capture session stops working. Upon investigation, I found records of the videoDeviceNotAvailableWithMultipleForegroundApps interruption on the devices. From what I've looked up in the documents, it seems to occur due to multitasking capabilities, but I'm wondering if there are any specific scenarios where this happens on iPhone devices? Here is the relevant documentation link: I suspect it might have something to do with Picture-in-Picture (PIP) mode, but when I developed and tested a direct video streaming PIP, the issue did not occur. Does anyone have insights on this matter or related experiences they could share?
Is there a way for a device to detect when VoIP Push has been blocked?
Hello, I am developing an application using VoIP Push and CallKit. I have a question: Starting with iOS 13, I understand that under the VoIP Push policy, if reportNewIncomingCall is not called continuously, the VoIP Push may be blocked. Is there a way to determine if the device has been blocked? I am curious whether PKPushRegistry itself is unable to receive pushes or if reportNewIncomingCall returns an error when it is blocked. If push notifications are not being received, what should I do to resume receiving them? Thank you.
Nov ’24
SwiftUI Scroll Issue with Keyboard Type Change
Hello, I'm developing with SwiftUI and have encountered some bug-like behavior that I haven't been able to resolve, so I'm seeking your assistance. I'm building my view using TextEditor, ScrollViewReader, and List, and I've noticed a strange behavior. When the TextEditor at the bottom of the view is focused and the keyboard is displayed, if I change the keyboard type to Emoji and then switch back to the language keyboard, the scroll becomes misaligned. Although the TextEditor remains focused, when this bug occurs, the view's offset is reset as if the focus was lost. Could you help me with this?
Oct ’24
Does CallKit have a call waiting timeout?
Hello, We are implementing an mVOIP service using CallKit. I have a question. When receiving a call with CallKit, the CXEndCallAction callback is received by the provider after one minute. We didn't request this separately on our end. Is this a policy from Apple? If so, is it possible to modify this behavior, and are there any related APIs or documentation? Thank you.
Aug ’24
After initiating a call in the simulator, the CXEndCallAction of CallKit is called and the call is terminated.
Hello, I'm trying to test a call in the Simulator using CallKit. However, after the CXStartCallAction of CallKit is called, the CXEndCallAction is immediately invoked. I conducted the test using Xcode 15.2 and iOS 17.2 Simulator. When I searched because I couldn't test it on the Simulator, I found a similar issue on the following link. The person who asked the question in the link tested it with the previous version iOS 15.5 Simulator and it worked fine. Why isn't it working in the latest version? Is it a bug? Or has the policy been updated? If there are any documents available to check regarding this matter, please share them.
Apr ’24
Voip Push Delay Issue
Hello, I am developing a service using Voip Push. Recently, it seems that Voip Push notifications are occasionally arriving late. Does anyone have information regarding this issue? Sometimes, when the delay is prolonged, notifications from a few days ago also seem to be received. Thank you.
Feb ’24
Resetting categoryOptions when setting the mode in Swift AVAudioSession
When setting the mode during the configuration of an audio session in Swift, the previously configured categoryOptions get reset. For example, if you perform setMode as shown below, you will observe that all previously set categoryOptions are cleared. Example: try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playAndRecord, mode: .videoChat, options: [.allowBluetooth, .defaultToSpeaker]) try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setMode(.voiceChat) If you need to change the mode while maintaining the categoryOptions, you have to perform setCategory once again. Although the exact reason for this behavior has not been identified, the practical impact on the application's functionality is not yet clear. Why do you think this handling is in place?
Feb ’24
VoIP Call Records Disappearing Issue
Hello! I'm a developer working on developing a telephony service using VoIP. I've been keeping records of calls, but I've noticed some strange behavior. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced similar issues and if there are any solutions. Currently, the setting includesCallsInRecents is set to true. The issues I'm encountering are as follows: Check the records after a voice call. Check the records after a video call. Check the records after another voice call. During the third step, I observed that all records of the second video call disappeared. Does anyone have any insights or assistance regarding this issue? After conducting another video call and checking again, I noticed that previous video call records are displayed along with the new ones. However, when I conduct a voice call, the records disappear again. I'm wondering if this is an operating system bug or if there's a specific place I can check to investigate. Any information would be greatly appreciated!
Dec ’23