VoIP Call Records Disappearing Issue

Hello! I'm a developer working on developing a telephony service using VoIP.

I've been keeping records of calls, but I've noticed some strange behavior. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced similar issues and if there are any solutions. Currently, the setting includesCallsInRecents is set to true.

The issues I'm encountering are as follows:

  1. Check the records after a voice call.
  2. Check the records after a video call.
  3. Check the records after another voice call.

During the third step, I observed that all records of the second video call disappeared. Does anyone have any insights or assistance regarding this issue?

  • After conducting another video call and checking again, I noticed that previous video call records are displayed along with the new ones.
  • However, when I conduct a voice call, the records disappear again.

I'm wondering if this is an operating system bug or if there's a specific place I can check to investigate. Any information would be greatly appreciated!