




Reply to Lag And Fps Drop in Iphone 12 pro in Pubg
Totally I’ve had an awful time with this horrible thing : first twice screen dimming circus for months where screen dimmed to near darkness , dragged phone to apple till eventually got a screen replacement which did NOTHING then couldn’t face this any longer just lived with the dimness of doom - now it’s started to increasingly often give “your iPhone needs to cool down” (?) which lobotomises it for minutes in use (?) now the frame rate sucks … this never was an issue before on any other phone there’s something fundamentally wrong with this thing no one appears to want to help with or acknowledge . Help 😞 it also gets boiling hot from not much use … finger irritating hot. The screen dimming it seems to have done in a desperate attempt to compensate for heat now someone seems to have addressed the dimness by stopping that and instead frame rate drops / overheat alert which is worse . iPhone X was subjectively way more reliable… that you’re stuck with this without proper answer or help on the top device is saddening .
Aug ’21