




iOS app crash with UIKitcore - UIAlertController
I have recently submitted a new app version to the Appstore with Xcode 15.0. Unfortunately, I have started to see the below crash in the Xcode organiser > Crashes section occurring for more number of times. UIKitCore: +[UIAlertController _alertControllerContainedInViewController:] + 160 The exception trace is not leading to main() function but not pointing to any of the code line. I had used UIAlertController in the past versions to show the alerts but there is no code written in the current version code related to UIAlertController. Only from the latest version, this kind of crash started to surface. In the latest release, We have added a third party SDK and while implementing the SDK, we had added the Location and Bluetooth Permissions in Info.plist file. But as we don't want to use/track the Location and Bluetooth details from the app, the SDK team has disabled the Location and Bluetooth settings to not reflect in the tracked data. Is this behaviour creating any conflict with the UIAlertController and logging the crash? Because by default the OS tries to show the alert when the permissions exist in the plist file, but the alert will not come as the service is disabled on the SDK server settings. Is this creating any conflict and logging the crash. Please extend your help.
May ’24
WKWebview - unable to load the seatmap page
Hi Team, We have Flight Check-in functionality on our app that helps the end users to perform Mobile Check-in and to select the seats on the flight. This Checkin page is a Refx page created by Amadeus and we are loading the weblink on the WKWebview to show to the users. In order to select the seat on the seatmap, the webview has to show the seatmap on the app. But, unfortunately the app's webview is failing to load the seatmap component that is created by Amadeus(third party) on the webview. But the seatmap is loading perfectly on iPhone's Safari browser, Macbook Safari browser and Android app as well. We tried to load the Check-in flow via SFSafariViewController and the seatmap renders correctly. We want to know why the page is not loading on the WKWebview. We need your technical help related to this issue. STEPS TO REPRODUCE This is an upcoming feature on the app and is not available on the LIVE app. We are facing this issue on the developer version. We would request your connect to debug/trace the issue
May ’23