




Unreliable Accessibility API behavior when interacting with Microsoft Teams app
I'm developing a macOS app that interacts with Microsoft Teams using the Accessibility API. I've noticed inconsistent behavior when querying UI elements, particularly for the mute button. My queries often fail, while system tools like VoiceOver can consistently access these elements (which are visible on the screen). In some cases, it works well, but in others, the UI elements are not visible from my code. When I try Accessibility Inspector, it also initially fails to inspect. However, the Inspector seems to have some "magical" power that, when I run it or via AX audit, appears to refresh the AX tree, and then my code occasionally works as well. Given that VoiceOver can consistently read the screen, I assume the issue is not with the Microsoft Teams app itself (assuming it's based on Electron/React). I am mentioning this, because when I interact with Zoom app, reading the mute status from the app's menu bar, its 100% working anytime. What would you recommend I try or explore to improve reliability? Can I refresh the apps' AX tree from my end from swift? Is that a bug in AX API or even in Microsoft Teams? (have ready example and demo video, but it does not let me upload here)
Sep ’24
How to open Calendar app event's detail by its ID
Hey there, I'd like to ask for guidance on how to open the Apple Calendar app's event programmatically. I can already list events, but I'm struggling to open the calendar detail view (upon user interaction). I've tried many variants, such as using the x-apple-calevent URL scheme or calshow:\, etc., but none of them worked. Here's the code I'm using: if let eventIdentifier = event.eventIdentifier as String?, let calendarId = event.calendarId as String? { if let url = URL(string: "x-apple-calevent://\(calendarId)/\(eventIdentifier)") { } } Once the action is triggered, it tells me that: There is no application set to open the URL x-apple-calevent:// Thanks a bunch! Tom
Jul ’24
Would DriverKit work for custom USB device to control mic volume (no stream)?
Hey there, I would like to ask for guidance on how to ideally communicate with a custom USB HID device. Use case Modify a microphone volume via an external USB HID device. Can I use DriverKit (HIDDriverKit) for that or I need to use IOKit? I have read something here - about audio limitation, but not sure what exactly is not allowed. DriverKit doesn’t support USB devices that manipulate audio or that communicate wirelessly over Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. For those types of devices, create a kernel extension using IOKit. Would DriverKit still work in my case as I am not sending audio streams but controlling volume only? Many thanks! Cheers, Tom
May ’21