




NEFilterManager completion handler not called from Command Line Tool
Hello, I'm experiencing an issue with enabling a Content Filter Network Extension from a command line tool. When I call the LoadFromPreferences method on NEFilterManager.shared() the completion handler is not called. I've tried this with a simple semaphore and tried running it on a RunLoop, but none of this works. Any help would be appreciated. I've tried adding a small demo project illustrating the issue, but the add file option does not seem to work. I'll paste the code here: Semaphore Demo class SemaphoreDemo { let filterManager = NEFilterManager.shared() var semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0) func demo() { print("Semaphore demo") self.filterManager.loadFromPreferences { (error) in print("Load from preferences callback") if let error = error { print("ERROR \(error.localizedDescription)") return } let config = NEFilterProviderConfiguration() config.filterDataProviderBundleIdentifier = "BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" config.filterSockets = true self.filterManager.isEnabled = true self.filterManager.localizedDescription = "LOCALIZED_DESCRIPTION" self.filterManager.providerConfiguration = config self.filterManager.saveToPreferences { (error) in if let error = error { print("ERROR \(error.localizedDescription)") } else { print("SUCCESS") } self.semaphore.signal() } } self.semaphore.wait() } } class RunloopDemo { let filterManager = NEFilterManager.shared() func demo() { print("Runloop demo") let currentRunLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent() // let currentRunLoop = CFRunLoopGetMain() self.filterManager.loadFromPreferences { [weak currentRunLoop] (error) in print("Load from preferences callback") if let error = error { print("ERROR \(error.localizedDescription)") return } let config = NEFilterProviderConfiguration() config.filterDataProviderBundleIdentifier = "Bundle IDENTIFIER" config.filterSockets = true self.filterManager.isEnabled = true self.filterManager.localizedDescription = "LOCALIZED DESCRIPTION" self.filterManager.providerConfiguration = config self.filterManager.saveToPreferences { (error) in if let error = error { print("ERROR \(error.localizedDescription)") } else { print("SUCCESS") } CFRunLoopStop(currentRunLoop) } } CFRunLoopRun() } } The callback is never called. Thanks.
Jun ’24