




Reply to Query AVSpeechSynthesisVoice for Quality>1 and Downloaded=True
Never mind. I appear to have been mistaken. The list of voices that is returned by speechVoices() only includes voices that are actually downloaded and available. I'm not sure what led me to believe otherwise. However, this does lead to a slightly different question: Is there a way to get a list of voices that are available to be downloaded - but have NOT been? And to know what quality options are available for download? I would like my app to be able to determine when Apple makes new "Premium" voices available so I can notify my users.
Mar ’24
Reply to Sign In With Apple not working with Xcode 12 beta on simulator ?
This is an annoying bug - but in Apple's defense - it's only been open for 10 months and only affects more than TWENTY THOUSAND developers that are watching this exact ticket. (rolling eyes) Seriously though... I can't fathom the reason why Apple does not make this issue a priority to fix. I think that somebody in support or development at a fairly low level is ignoring (or actively blocking) the escalation of this problem for some misguided reason and I can only hope that they get fired for their incompetence when this issue finally gets the attention of somebody competent in management.
May ’21
Reply to Sign In With Apple not working with Xcode 12 beta on simulator ?
Is there really still no resolution (or workaround) for this issue? I am not using any beta software. I'm running Xcode 12.0.1 on MacOS 10.15.6 and have tried iPad Mini 4 and iPad Air 4 in the simulator with iOS 14 and I get the endless spinning after entering my password. I installed the iOS 13.3 simulator OS and they all work properly. The app also works properly with iOS 14 on physical devices (iPad Mini 4 and iPad Pro 12.9"). I "get" why Apple might have ignored this problem in their beta versions - but it seems unacceptable for the release versions. Have they at least acknowledged the issue yet? Are there any workarounds to this issue (aside from testing on an older version of iOS or using physical devices exclusively)?
Oct ’20