sorry, that paste was wrong, line 3 should be: vc.view.frame = CGRect.init(origin:, size: forSize)but I did discover that adding: vc.view.setNeedsLayout()
vc.view.layoutIfNeeded()seems to solve it.
That's odd. My app was exactly like that, and just worked. You don't have a UISceneDelegate?
I'm also pretty confused. It looks nice, but navigation seems kind of broken.
How is your post "asked 35 minutes ago" but there are already replies from 6 days ago?
(for what it's worth, they came in at midnight :) )
Really happy with my WWDC20 lab "visit". In the test plan, It turns out that if you don't set the Application Region from System Region to a specific region for the different variants, the files generated end up missing information. Then a quick deletion of the app's folder in DerivedData fixed the issue.
It looks like
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ"
works on both string types. Thoughts?
same issue here.
Replacing with
for case let post as Post in posts {
seems to work, although I don't know if that is proper.
I've updated FB8724409 but can't tell if it has been assigned back to Apple. Testing this against Xcode 12B45b running Simulator Version 12.2 (940.16)
SimulatorKit 597.13.0.1
CoreSimulator 732.18.0.2
And iOS 14.2 in the simulator, the string in section 12 (creation date) is still formatted with the -0700 format, section 1704 (purchase date) is using the Z format, but the expiration date is still incorrect as well. The purchase date, however, is returning the local time but appending Z, rather than correctly converting the local time to UTC.
I can confirm the same issue with a catalyst app (running on macOS). Xcode 12.4 macOS 11.1. Same code is working fine on the iOS simulator targets.
I'm surprised because I thought I would have already tested this but at present the receipt is never delivered.
The code:
@FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: []) private var players: FetchedResults<PlayerEntity>
@State private var selectedPlayer : PlayerEntity?
var body: some View {
NavigationSplitView {
List(players, selection: $selectedPlayer) { player in
Text(player.shortName ?? "")
} detail: {
if let player = selectedPlayer {
Text("Do Something")
The list appears, but is not selectable, and the detail view doesn't get presented. I also tried using the same List/ForEach style of the sample code.