It is with a property list in /Library/LaunchDaemons and during installation post install script, it is launched using below command. (In actual instead of APP, company it is the name of the app and company , just modified to paste it here)
sudo /bin/bash -c "(/bin/sleep 5; $log 'Launching the APP!!!’; /bin/launchctl load -F /Library/LaunchDaemons/ | $log; $log 'Finished launching the APP’) &". I have removed the dylib with reference to NSHOST, now it prompts from the code that uses websockets library(which communicates over localhost/ . Is this expected? We are seeing the alert on macOS 15.0 (24A335) also.
It is with a property list in /Library/LaunchDaemons, We are seeing the alert on macOS 15.0 (24A335) also.
Got resolved using instructions at :
Is this issue resolved for you? We are also seeing this issue that code signing fails when triggered from Jenkins but works when triggered locally.
We have resolved this issue by creating assets with 1x and 2x
logged a bug
it's the same on beta9 too
Thank you for the pointers, but looks like posixspawnattrsetarchpref_np is available with Xcode 12, our code is not yet compatible with Xcode 12. and the documentation says that it sets the preferred architecture. we don't want to set it but just report the hardware info.
>>Re-reading your initial email, I think I might’ve got the wrong end of the stick here. Are you trying to get the native (Arm) CPU information? Or the emulated (Intel) CPU info?
We are trying to get native (Arm) CPU information, but from an emulated app. Is this not possible?
Basically we want to report it as Apple processor if the hardware is Apple processor, (About Mac .. it shows as Apple A12Z ), but how can the same be read/found from an emulated app.
>> For reporting purposes? Or because you runtime decisions based on that info? For reporting purposes
We try to get other hardware information as well, not just the CPU info. This information is used to know the hardware info of the system where our app is run.(tried with sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string, even this is not returning any value)
kmutil load is also not returning any error to indicate that it needs user approval.
Starting beta3 of Mac OS Big Sur, the version is getting reported as 11
Looks like installer plugins are working as expected on beta 4 of macOS Big Sur
Anyone got any clue or a work around for this problem, to get the installer plugins working on Mac OS Big Sur