




Local Network permission prompt for daemon on macOS 15
Hi Team, OS is prompting for local network permission for our application which runs as root level daemon. As per the our analysis, it looks like it is prompting from our own library which is trying to get network info ' using /usr/sbin/system_profiler with "-xml -detailLevel basic SPNetworkDataType" and then trying to iterate to find DNS.ServerAddresses for each item. Then using [NSHost hostWithAddress:IPAddress];(When this library is not linked to the app then there is no prompt, so most likely this is the code that is resulting in the prompt). Is this expected ? . Is there any other way that we can get DNS host name without being prompted for local network permission on mac OS 15
Sep ’24
Expired Developer ID Installer and application certificates
Hello, Our Production packages and executables were signed with a Developer ID installer and application certificates, that have expired yesterday. These packages were notarised but not stapled. After the certificate is expired, will the users be able to download and install the packages that were signed those certificates. (In our quick test we are able to download and install these packages but will they continue to work )
May ’21
Mac OS Big Sur Preference error when trying to launch security preferences to Allow System Extension or Kernel extension
Hello, We are seeing an issue with security preferences that it is has an error when trying launch security preferences to allow system extension or kext . We have tried deleting these plists ~/Library/Preferences/* ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/* ~/Library/Caches/* But didn't help. This is happening on beta7 on Intel systems and also on Developer Transition Kit too.
Sep ’20
Installer hangs when quit from Installer plugin
Hello, We have an installer plugin as part of installation, which is responsible for checking few product related logic, eg: authentication etc. When certain conditions are not met installation will be aborted with an alert message and then [[NSApplication sharedApplication] terminate: self]; called on clicking "ok" on Alert. This is having issue starting with 10.15.x, that on calling terminate, Installer app is putting up a message " The "XXXX" installer encountered an error and "Install Anyway" and "Quit" and also Installer app becomes unresponsive. Any pointers on how can we avoid this alert from installer app being displayed, how to gracefully abort installation. With the current situation user is not able to click any button , but if they will be able click we need to avoid "Install anyway" since this may cause erroneous installation.
Jan ’21
Monterey:Network System Extension OSSystemExtensionRequest.deactivationRequest fails with authorizationRequired = 13
Hello, On Mac OS monterey, OSSystemExtensionRequest.deactivationRequest is failing with deactivation request for com.xxxxxx.networkextensionapp.netextension failed authorization check, error: Error Domain=OSSystemExtensionErrorDomain Code=13 "(null)" Even after providing the correct credentials for authorisation when prompted for.
Jul ’21
Mac OS 12 + VMWare Fusion no internet access
Hello, With MacOS 12 as a guest OS on VMWare Fusion 11 , not able to access internet on the guest OS . The network adapter used is "Share with My Mac" , with the same setup works fine on Mac OS Big Sur but after updating. the guest OS to 12, Using DHCP- it shows self assigned IP and no internet access. Tried manual giving the setting. similar to that of Mac OS Big Sur it Showa as connected in network settings but still internet is not accessible. Any pointers here please
Jun ’21
Xcode build settings Header search path per architecture
Hello, Is there a way we set header search path per architecture in Xcode build setting. eg: we are using a third party library which we are am building their source, the headers are differing when built for different architecture(arm64 and x86_64). we plan to build them seperately and create FAT file using lipo command. Now is there a way that we specify architecture specific header search path for excutable that links with these libraries. Thanks, Swetha
Jan ’21
No CPU information from an emulated app on Apple Silicon(DTK)
Hello, Application is failing to get CPU information when executing commands from an emulated app. Trying to get system information using systemprofiler SPHardwareDataType, when this is run on developer Transition kit from an emulated app, there is no cputype info available in the returned xml. When the same is executed from universal app, it has a valid value for cpu_type .(this code works on Intel based systems without any issues ) There are other dependencies to be sorted out, before our app can be made Universal. Meanwhile how can the CPU information for Apple silicon be obtained programatically from an emulated app.
Sep ’20