App sandbox not enabled. The following executables must include the "" entitlement with a Boolean value of true in the entitlements property list: [( "com.xx.pkg/Payload/", "ccom.xx.pkg/Payload/" )] Refer to App Sandbox page at for more information on sandboxing your app. (ID: ca7d4fde-0f0d-4a71-9eee-a01692797549)
我添加了相应服务的xx.plist,并在shell脚本中使用launchctl load -w "$HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/com.xx.xx.plist"
launchctl start com.xx.xx.local 启动,脚本名称为local,当我给app加上沙盒功能之后,我使用 let installerPath = bundle.path(forResource: "", ofType: nil)
let task = Process.launchedProcess(launchPath: "/bin/bash", arguments: [installerPath!])
task.waitUntilExit()运行结果,我得到这样 的结果:Load failed: 5: Input/output error
Try running launchctl bootstrap as root for richer errors.
Unload failed: 5: Input/output error
Try running launchctl bootout as root for richer errors.
Not privileged to start service.,可以帮助我吗? 我该进行什么操作,才能让我的app正常运行?
我有个其他问题,我有两个可执行的二进制文件作为代理服务使用,我制作了两个对应的plist,沙盒为开启之前plist文件存放位置是/user/hhhhhme/library/LaunchAgents,我通过shell脚本内的命令chmod 644 "$HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/xx.xx.xx.plist"
launchctl load -wF "$HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/xx.xx.xx.plist"
launchctl start xx.xx.xx可以完美运行,并且我通过Mac的设置,登录项,也可以查看到这两个代理,但是当我打开沙盒功能后,plist 的存储位置变成了/Users/hhhhhme/Library/Containers/com.TI.ty/Data/Library/LaunchAgents,我用的shell运行,得到一些错误:Not privileged to start service,请问我这种情况,我需要加什么对应的什么权限,或者要怎么调整我的app才能让它在开启沙盒功能的情况下,也能运行呢?有人可以帮助我吗?
我创建了一个developer id instanller 证书,并且安装在自己电脑上,我使用productbuild --component /Applications --sign "Developer ID Installer: " --product ST.pkg签名并生成pkg,使用 spctl -a -v --type install ST.pkg 去验证签名的时候,出现rejected
source=Unnotarized Developer ID,我不知道哪里有问题,将pkg安装到其他电脑也会出现pkg无法打开,apple无法检查是否包含恶意软件 提示信息,希望可以得到大家的帮助谢谢,
我创建了一个macos 应用,应用开启了沙盒功能,我有一个shll脚本和一个嵌入的可执行命令行工具位于/Users/Library/Containers/com.***/Data/Library/Application Support/***/下面,用于拷贝工作,我发现我并不能执行成功,总是被拒绝,有人知道原因吗,
我们的app从1.0版本一直在正常上架与更新,2.12版本添加相应的内购项目,更新了app展示图,在审核的过程中出现这个问题,一直没有解决,发了好多个邮件也一直没有回应,首先我们app没有收集用户数据,不知道如何获取用户同意,也不知道该如何向用户明确如何使用这些信息,我们开启vpn通道,只是为了加速网络,不知道如何解决这个问题,apple审核方面也没用给出明确解决方法,Guideline 5.4 - Legal - VPN Apps
We noticed that the app does not obtain the user's consent before collecting user data.
We noticed that the app does not sufficiently explain how the app or VPN service is using data collected from users.
Next Steps
To view and store information about users and the data they consume, you must make it clear to the user what data is being collected and how it will be used. Additionally, you must obtain the user's consent before the data is uploaded to your server. Mentioning this information in the app's Terms of Service or Privacy Policy is not sufficient.
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