




Reply to Settings bundle for DEXT loading app does not display content.
Ignore the API call I listed in the initial post. That is for macOS not iPadOS. I actually support both platforms but the issue I'm having is with the iPad. There we simply launch the settings app using the following technique: extension ExtensionManager { func activate() { guard let url = URL(string: UIApplication.openSettingsURLString) else { return } } func deactivate() { } }
Mar ’24
Reply to How to use Swift and AVFoundation to stream/record USB microphone input?
Trial & error coupled with scouring the web has yielded at least a partial answer: import AVFoundation import Cocoa import PlaygroundSupport PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true let engine = AVAudioEngine() let inputNode = engine.inputNode let format = inputNode.inputFormat(forBus: 0) let outputNode = engine.outputNode engine.connect(inputNode, to: outputNode, format: format) //var bufferCount = 0 //input.installTap(onBus: 0, bufferSize: 2048, format: nil) { audioBuffer, audioTime in // bufferCount += 1 // print(bufferCount) //} engine.prepare() do { try engine.start() } catch { print(error) } Ridiculously simple but amazingly difficult to stumble upon. At least, that was my experience. Next, I need a way to enumerate the inputs so I can pick the microphone I want to use. Anyone have a clue on how that is accomplished on macOS? During my time researching this problem, I noticed that things are much easier and much better documented for iOS.
Jan ’24
Reply to How to use SWIFTUI and SWIFT language to call com port?
I don't know if this is still an issue for you but you have the choice of calling C, Objective-C, and now C++ directly from Swift. See what's new in Swift from WWDC23. There is a sample here that will allow you to enumerate serial devices on macOS. That might be a useful place to start. I would place this code in a separate framework and write the appropriate wrapper functions (as needed) to invoke them from SwiftUI or Swift. If you are trying this on iPadOS, forget it. The sample code won't compile for iOS since most of the definitions are missing or not made public for serial device support in IOKit. I was able to test this code with an FT232(USB-C to UART) board and it worked well enough. Also, you can use Serial Tools to make sure the device you want to talk to is supported by the default drivers built into macOS.
Dec ’23
Reply to TableView inside of a CollectionView cell does not draw on row deletion.
Yes, I did and I was surprised to find that it had no effect. This made me begin to wonder about my assumptions. For example, what if for some reason, there is no data to display for that cell? In other words, what if the strings are empty. I don't know how this could possibly be the case but I have to verify my assumptions before blaming it on RxSwift. (Time passes) Problem solved! I verified using the .debug() operator that the data being passed to the binding is intact and correct. However, there was an embarrassingly simple bug in the cell logic that prevented the cell, under certain circumstances, from updating itself based on the model. Nothing to see here folks, move along.
Feb ’21