What about iPadOS 17 and 18? I have an auto-focusing USB UVC camera that work for video and photo but all of the focus related functionality is disabled. I need to remedy this. What must I do? Can I access it using CoreMedia or is DriverKit required?
I guess this is what makes iPadOS and iOS two different animals. Unfortunate.
I also posted feedback for this issue. ID: FB9718087.
I am having the same problem. On my first system I am using an M1 MacMini with 8GB. This system is running macOS Monetary 12.0.1. (System1) On my second system I am using an Intel iMac 5K with 32GB. This system is running macOS Big Sur 11.6. (System2)
System1 handles the situation a little better by throwing up the "Force Quit Applications" window and highlighting Xcode as the culprit. This usually gives me the opportunity to kill it before my system is totally locked-up.
System2, the one with more memory, is far worse. It comes to a grinding halt and I usually have to power it off or wait for the watchdog.
The net result is that I cannot get any work done when using SwiftUI. Not ideal. Please help. I will open a serrate issue and upload feedback per your instructions to gmolluso.
It had been so long I had to go back to the repository and lookup the solution. Sorry I didn't get this done sooner. Also, how do I close a thread.
A guard statement for the assignment of the UITableViewCell's custom model property prevented the cell from being updated under certain circumstances. This caused the cell not to redraw when it should have. Removing the following line from the table-view cell's didSet implementation solved the issue.
guard oldValue != assignment, assignment != nil else { return }