Same problem exactly. Removing results in build uploaded properly but not showing on App Store Connect or Testflight.
This is now completely blocking us from any kind of submission...
This usually fixes the issue but the fix is not always permanent:
Quit XCode
Disconnect from your wifi on the Mac
Turn it wi-fi back on
Build the app again by selecting the Apple Watch as the build target.
Thank you for the response.
We did follow the debugging instructions prior to contacting support. However when this yielded no results we created a demo project (which we sent you), to demonstrate the issue.
We emphasized that the logs didn't indicate any errors or issues.
Upon further investigation, it seems that this has to do with some environment variables:
We were using isActivityFullscreen:
@Environment(.isActivityFullscreen) private var isInStandby: Bool
which worked without issues on iOS 16, 17. However this caused the Live Activity to disappear on iOS 17.
Once we remove that line, the live Activity did appear on both iOS 17 and iOS 18.
However there is still an issue that we are not sure if this it's a bug or it's by design:
If the "FaceID" is enabled for the app, the Live Activity doesn't appear on the Lock Screen.
Is this a known issue or has Apple decided to hide Live Activities when FaceID is required to access an app on iOS 18?