




scene.addAnchor( ) vs scene.anchors.append( )
Hello Apple People,Have a really basic question about the API of RealityKit.Question:Am I correct in that Realitykit has two ways to add an AnchorEntity to the scene.AnchorCollection?First way would be:SummaryAdds an anchor to the scene’s list of anchors.Declarationfunc addAnchor(_ anchor: HasAnchoring)Second way would be:SummaryNo overview available.Declarationfunc append(_ entity: Scene.AnchorCollection.Element)Observation:If you "dig into the weeds of the Realitykit " API you will see this:typealias Scene.AnchorCollection.Element = HasAnchoringI believe one could think of the RealityKit code this way:func append(_ entity: HasAnchoring)I know this is a basic question, but Any Apple Devloper or kind soul intrested in helping a fellow Apple coder would be much apprecated.We all learn by sharing what we knowSmartdog
Apr ’20
ARKit: Examples of display conveniences?
Hello,Question:Example of display convenience in ARKit?references: for emphasis:"ARKit combines device motion tracking, camera scene capture, advanced scene processing, and display conveniences to simplify the task of building an AR experience."Any kind souls out there that can give some examples of display conveniences, I would love to know. Apparently, it will help simplify the task of building my ARKit project :-)SmartdogWe all learn by sharing what we know
Mar ’20
Why is arView = ARView(frame: .zero) set to zero?
Hello,Question:In the default template for Augmented Reality App, if you set content technology to "RealityKit" and User Interface "SwiftUI", why is arView "frame" parameter set to ".zero"?arView = ARView(frame: .zero)My understanding of the line of code would be: Creates an AR view with the frame of CGRect whose origin and size are both zero.To me this mean the View has origin at (0,0) and the size is 0.I suppect this has to do with SwiftUI parent (ContentView) view defining the view size and position for the child ARViewContainer? But am really taking a guess. I am confused and am asking for help and clarity from the Apple Developer Community.Reference pages that I am specifically pointing to. all learn by sharing what we know
Mar ’20