I did try a DTS (3791480) and never got a response after an initial further debugging email.... replied several times too and was charged for the DTS
@developer555 This is exactly what I send to my users with problems:
Change the complications that are not working to different apps.
Reboot your Apple Watch.
Launch the <my_app> watch app.
Go back to your watch face and move the complications back to the ones you want.
They should now update (fingers crossed).
This works about 80% of times, I'm not sure this will ever be fixed as Apple are all WidgetKit only which is silly because my WatchOS 8 & 9 users are still on ClockKit and having problems
And now with iOS 17 & WatchOS 10 release....
Perfect, Thank You!
For those interested, I created this modifier to work across all my small and medium widgets on iOS:
extension WidgetConfiguration {
func widgetOnlyOnHomescreen() -> some WidgetConfiguration {
if #available(iOSApplicationExtension 17.0, *) {
return self.disfavoredLocations([.standBy, .iPhoneWidgetsOnMac, .lockScreen], for: [.systemSmall, .systemMedium])
else { return self}
Ahh... That was my post too! 😱 I migrated to a single target a year back so I don't think this is my issue unfortunately.
Oh, and also on the WatchOS beta
I too am seeing this on Xcode 14.3
I presume there's no chance of this being back ported to WatchOS 9.... some of my users will never update for various reasons including having an iPhone X stuck on iOS 16
This response made me chuckle! But yes I second that this happens quite a bit for me. Never on my development device without a passcode set, often on the other. Hopefully this might get fixed one day 🤞
iOS 15 so far seems to be the only fix
I've noticed this issue for several years now and never found any information or documentation on what's going on. Thank you very much for clarifying this. Any further information on what defines "older workout data", as in how old, specifically interested in heart rate.
Tine to get on adopting HKQuantitySeriesSampleQuery!