




Reply to App Store Distribution fails on valid value
Let's see what apple's document says, I absolutely think it a bug from Apple backend. Discussion The HealthKit Entitlement provides access to most HealthKit data types. However, because of their highly sensitive nature, some data types require additional entitlements. The HealthKit Capabilities Entitlement provides access to these data types. To add this entitlement to your app, first enable the HealthKit capability in Xcode, and then check any values that you want to add to the HealthKit Capabilities Entitlement. Only add values for data types that your app needs to access. App Review may reject apps that don’t use the data appropriately. For more information, see the Health and Health Researchsection of the App Store Review Guidelines.
Jan ’21
Reply to Unable to submit app update due to missing Game Center entitlement...even though it's present
I have asked for DTS, and Apple replied me with this: I recommend that you remove and re-enable the capability, regardless of what you see in the entitlements plist. It’s not sufficient to verify the entitlements file as shown in your Xcode project, nor in the built IPA after you’ve archived your app. Because your app is re-signed as part of the App Store Connect upload process, it’s difficult to know whether that upload actually contains the correct entitlement file. It doesn't help
Aug ’23