Thanks, Quinn! I also tried and failed to create that simple test case, but I will try again. By the way, the easy fix is to just add await to these lines. Is there a downside to that (other than a potential small performance hit)?
The production version does not have this problem. In fact, it doesn't have the [x] button, it has a "Done" button, and it works.
Awesome, thanks Quinn!
This answer is incorrect. The Tech Note referenced says, "Version and the build numbers work together to uniquely identify a particular App Store submission for an app."
For convenience, users can disable downloads over cellular right in the app. But if they have cell data turned off (which means we set allowsCellularAccess = false) AND are not connected to wifi, the download just hangs there and doesn't error out.
This worked for me!
Awesome solution, better to wrap in #if DEBUG ... #endif so you don't have to worry about forgetting! :)