




Tip on Menu in Toolbar not showing
Hey, I have a use case where I want to show a tip for a menu thats in a toolbar. Here's my approach to attach the tip to the Menu. I also tried to attach it to the Button in the menu but in both cases the tip was not shown. None of the described fixes in this post worked for me, adding .buttonStyle(.borderless) didn't help either ... .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) { Menu { Button { // ... } label: { // ... } } label: { Image(systemName: "heart") } .popoverTip(Tip()) } } I'm working on a visionOS app
Jul ’24
App Store listing does not show all localised Languages
The Problem: The App Store listing of my app does not show all languages the app is localised in: The Question: How to fix this? A potential reason I could imagine might be, that the App Store looks for the files localised, and Xcode shows 0 localised files in English for my app, because English is my development language and all Strings are in English like that: Text("Reload", comment: "Menu action to reload feed") I really don't want to translate every English word, to English like "Reload" = "Reload". What am I getting wrong here? How can I have the App Store show both supported languages? The current implementation: My app supports two languages and I am using the new String catalog for localising. Both languages work while testing on device and are available from the App Settings in the System settings app to switch between:
Sep ’23