I am trying to only apply a drag gesture to specific entities that has a specific component. My entities has the component on it along with the input target and collision component. The gestures work when I use .targetedToAnyEntity() modifier but .targetedToEntity(where:) modifier fails
struct ImmersiveView: View {
var body: some View {
RealityView { content in
// Add the initial RealityKit content
if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "Immersive", in: realityKitContentBundle) {
.targetedToEntity(where: .has(ToyComponent.self))
.onChanged({ value in
value.entity.position = value.convert(value.location3D, from: .local, to: value.entity.parent!)
What could be wrong here?
Hello, I am trying to build a features where I want to monitor a user's biking workout session metrics like the current speed, average speed and distance travelled. I want to get these metrics as the user is actively doing a workout session in the Workouts app of the apple watch. Is it possible? Or it is not possible to get data from an active workout session from the workouts app.
I am trying to implement a game where the character walks on the scene mesh. I am controlling the character with a game controller. I noticed there is a character controller component in Reality Composer Pro, I am aware that when this component is added, the player cannot have a collision or a physics component.
I need an example that covers adding an entity with the character controller component to the scene and then moving the character using the moveCharacter function.
I was also looking at the documentation https://developer.apple.com/documentation/realitykit/entity/movecharacter(by:deltatime:relativeto:collisionhandler:)
Here it is also looking for deltaTime. Where do we get the deltaTime from? does it come from a system's update function, does that also mean that the character controller needs to be moved in the update method?