Here's the scenario–
App downloaded via TestFlight
appStoreReceiptURL is retrieved
Checks if there is a receipt at that URL
------> If NOT found–> a new request is via the following, and that's when the authentication dialog pops up, it is successful when sandbox account credentials are entered. Otherwise it fails
let request = SKReceiptRefreshRequest(receiptProperties: nil)
request.delegate = self
My Question is (and I have no way to know this for sure), when app is in production, and downloaded from the App Store (Not TestFlight), would that also have the same authentication dialog pop? At this point I was assuming this authentication event is due to TestFligth and Sandbox Apple Account.
[mistakenly selected answered to the question asked earlier– hence re-asking]
When issuing the app on TestFlight, and if the app requests the App Store Receipt - by calling appStoreReceiptURL.
I've only tested this on app issued via TestFlight, it works fine, but a dialog pops up asking the user to sign into an apple account.
Is the behavior the same when app is published and downloaded via App Store? (Real World)?