




Packet Tunnel Provider app - Distribute outside the App Store for MacOS
Is it possible to distrubite my VPN app (with packet tunnel provider) for MacOS with a standalone installer (such as .pkg/.dmg file) ?I think the answer is that it can't be done, but the reason I'm asking is that there are some clients who want to preinstall the app on some people's Macs instead of sending them to the App Store.So is it possible? or maybe the way to go here is by Apple Configurator ?
Jun ’17
NEVPNStatusDidChangeNotification - invalid
-I've implemented a VPN app (with Packet Tunnel Provider).I have an ovserver for NEVPNStatusDidChangeNotification.When the user press the "connect" button, 90 % of the time I get the notifications where the connection.status goes from Disconnected to Connecting and then to Connected.But I've already encounterd several cases, where the connection succeeded, but the notifications I got wereDisconnected -> Connecting - > InvalidAnd as I said, the connection been made and the VPN had been activated, so why I got the Invalid state ?Edit:Those are some of the system logs:name = <40-char-str> identifier = some-identifier-I-dont-know-1 applicationName = myApp application = myAppBundle grade = 1 VPN = { enabled = YES onDemandEnabled = YES onDemandRules = ( { action = connect interfaceTypeMatch = any }, ) protocol = { type = plugin identifier = some-identifier-I-dont-know-2 serverAddress = <16-char-str> username = <24-char-str> password = { identifier = some-identifier-I-dont-know-1 domain = user } passwordReference = <67656e70 00000000 00000417> identityDataImported = NO disconnectOnSleep = YES disconnectOnIdle = NO disconnectOUpdated network agent (inactive)vpnStatusDidChange: InvalidNESMVPNSession in state NESMVPNSessionStateIdle: update configuration NESMVPNSession: Received a start command from myApp
Jan ’17
IPv6 + Packet Tunnel Provider
I've implemented a VPN app with Packet Tunnel Provider.In my app, I'm tunneling only the IPv4 traffic.Also, my server supprort only IPv4 addresses.From what I understand - now I will have to controll the traffic of IPv6 as well? Or can I still continue as usual, and support only IPv4 ? (I do want to controll most traffic from the device)
May ’16
Unsatisfied entitlement
I'm tyring to implement a Packet Tunnel Provider for OSX.I have the entitlements, but when I try to run the app, it's immediatly crashing.At the console, I can see the following errors:Found 2 provisioning profiles Disallowing com.myapp.MyApp[pid 73450] because its use of the entitlement is not allowed killed com.myapp.MyApp[pid 73450] because its use of the entitlement is not allowed (error code -67050)But as I said, I do have the entitlements, I'm using the correct provision profile, and I followed Eskimo tutorial at everything looks as it should be.Any help would be appreciated!Edit: I created the provisioning profiles again, add them the network entitlements, cleaned the project, deleted the old profiles, and the problem still exists.
Apr ’16
PacketTunnelProvider - Packetflow
I'm implementing a VPN client using PacketTunnelProvider.I have a C code that talk to my sever, and this C code also has callbacks to my Swift code.In those callbacks I just need to send / receive packets.I do not need to create a tunnel with the server, because the C code does it for me.So my question is, how to get all the packets ? I tried doing it with packetFlow, but without any success.(And as for the moment, i'm trying to do it at the startTunnelWithOptions function, but not sure if it's the right place)Thanks!
Feb ’16